Author Topic: OMFG Steve has totally flipped  (Read 26316 times)

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Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #330 on: October 14, 2011, 02:35:57 PM »
Pandora told me in PM her husband used her account and posted something under it and I told her that's why you should never let anyone post under your account.

But she told me TCO got banned for insulting people on the religion forum if she remmebers correctly. That means she isn't sure and she doesn't want to mislead me so she is saying if she remmebers correctly because she isn't sure herself if what she is saying is true. So that information is to be taken as a grain of salt. She also said some of them were saying silly things/or baiting him but maybe it would have been better to ignore them. Also to be taken as a grain of salt since she wasn't sure herself.
TCO was asked to stop attacking other people several times, he said he wouldnt change and hence was banned(which is why I say that he could theoretically come back if he promised to behave)

Pandora was banned after TCO posted the PM on zomg aspies and because of this.

That sounds corrupt if that was the reason why she got banned. I got banned from WP for posting sinsboldly's nasty PM here because about three hours later, my password quit working and my email address linked to my account was not working either.
TCO wasnt allowed to post at wp.
Pandora was warned about letting him use her account and received several warnings for attacking others on a thread about anal.
TCO started bragging on ZOMG about posting on wp under pandora´s account and since she had been going downhill since TCO´s departure and refused to listen to mod´s advising her to avoid attacking those that had different views she was banned.

(having said that Im not meant to bring up wp drama so I´ll shut up now.)

I was talking about when TCO posted the PM at Zomg and Pandora got banned for that. Maybe I just interpreted it wrong when you said it.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2011, 02:40:52 PM by Oddball »

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #331 on: October 14, 2011, 02:38:29 PM »
ahh zomg...

y'know I was an admin of an internets forum for three years and I didn't once get laid because of it

Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #332 on: October 14, 2011, 02:39:40 PM »
Well, for me anyway...

If I had a boyfriend of many many years, and he posted on a message board I didnt care about, I would probably take his side too just because he is my boyfriend. I really wouldn't even care if internet people I didnt know thought he was wrong.

Friends, partners and spouses tend to take their friends side assuming they are telling them the truth. Just like when Maggiedoll took sinsboldly side and believed her.


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #333 on: October 14, 2011, 02:41:39 PM »
I see someone is registering for an account on the ya think???  NAHHHHHHHHHHHH


I do expect him to come back, maybe as a non-posting member, just to snoop.

I kinda expect him to wait until his latest rants on fb have failed before he comes back here though.

You maybe right, he's the one who should have psycho in his user name.   :green:


I always wanted a stalker. I never thought  it would be a fat crosseyed retarded 50 year old Aussie though :laugh:

It's because your so speshul!!!!!   ;)


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #334 on: October 14, 2011, 02:42:29 PM »
ahh zomg...

y'know I was an admin of an aspie internets forum for three years and I didn't once get laid because of it

The former pretty much guarantees the latter :P

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #335 on: October 14, 2011, 02:48:40 PM »
stop bullying me for being autistic you knob!


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #336 on: October 14, 2011, 02:52:18 PM »


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #337 on: October 14, 2011, 03:03:45 PM »
ahh zomg...

y'know I was an admin of an internets forum for three years and I didn't once get laid because of it

I'm pretty sure that being the admin of an internet forum usually works against you in that regard.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #338 on: October 14, 2011, 03:23:05 PM »
that's not what alex plank told me...

Offline odeon

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #339 on: October 14, 2011, 03:23:59 PM »
He's completely lost it. I wonder what he is telling Pandora, considering that she seems to believe in everything he says.

He appears to be lying to her about me. She has claimed that I whine about being bullied. I would strongly disagree with that. I'm not a big whiner, and I dont get bullied.
She also claims that I brag about being able to lie to you guys to make the believe me rather than Steve. It would be pretty stupid of me to make that boast where you could all see it, and Steve and I don't interact in private.

Let's play pretend here. Non-judgmental hypotheticals.
Let's pretend that a poster on Autistic boards had a spouce that similarly posted on Autistic boards. let's further pretend that their relationship was such that they supported each other over and above relatively anonymous Autistic people on a board that they were not a member of.
Would, in this instance, it be outside the realms of possibility to consider that anything said by these 'strangers" have no bearing at all on what their partner says and thinks and the distress or information fed to the spouse have far more "real life" weight than whatever the "strangers" have to bring to the table (right, wrong or indifferent?)
Reality is what we perceive.
Let's presume that if someone was to be called something horrid at a forum they were not at all nvolved with, that they would have no real desire to go onto the forum and "seek truth" or "thrash out justifications" or whatever. This type of second hand or first hand knowledge would colour a person's view of an entire forum.
We (as members of a forum) could say "Oh but that was because of X and we had justification because of Y" but seriously, do you think that is going to matter to a person that has been maligned by strangers and upset has upset their spouse? We are not talking about a member here, we are talkimg about someone who's only connection to this place is that their real life spouse has been upset by this place and that they are aware of being called something horrid.

put it into any other context. How about, your spouse goes to a sports club a couple of times a week and his fun times and good games have now degenerated into a bitch nightly aout a few dickheads there. She has seen some of the said dickheads and sees the worst in these dickheads and does not see any reason to see anything more in the people. That is her sole exposure.

Why would she not badmouth said dickheads and encourage spouse to move away and further try to extract spouse from said dickheads after firing a few barrages? Seriously, who would not? Are you saying that she should come on and read through all posts and learn the characters here and appreciate the culture and reserve judgement and question her spouse?

I think that is asking a bit much of anyone.

If Hyke or my kids were faced with anything that distressed them, I would not care to examine such things. I would look to condemn that which hurt them and seek to protect and move them away from that which hurts them. No brainer and it does not involve running an investigative reconnaisance of the situation. It just involves protecting them and getting them safe and clear.

That is real life of course.

I'm simply wondering why his behaviour where she can observe it first hand does not make her ask a single question. I don't think she'd be likely to come here and investigate, but since he's been banned from more than one place, both for using his account and hers, wouldn't you at least wonder what was going on?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #340 on: October 14, 2011, 03:40:05 PM »
that's not what alex plank told me...

So why is plank boy rich and we aren't??????   :grrr:  Or is it daddy money and sucking funds from gullible people?   :yarly:


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #341 on: October 14, 2011, 03:47:22 PM »
that's not what alex plank told me...

So why is plank boy rich and we aren't??????   :grrr:  Or is it daddy money and sucking funds from gullible people?   :yarly:

He isn't rich.  His daddy is.

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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #342 on: October 14, 2011, 03:48:40 PM »
that's not what alex plank told me...

So why is plank boy rich and we aren't??????   :grrr:  Or is it daddy money and sucking funds from gullible people?   :yarly:

He's sucking something from rich people but it ain't money.  :eyebrows: :squit:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #343 on: October 14, 2011, 03:51:34 PM »
that's not what alex plank told me...

So why is plank boy rich and we aren't??????   :grrr:  Or is it daddy money and sucking funds from gullible people?   :yarly:

He isn't rich.  His daddy is.

So he's sucking from his daddy's nipples!   :lolwat:


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Re: OMFG Steve has totally flipped
« Reply #344 on: October 14, 2011, 04:01:14 PM »
that's not what alex plank told me...

So why is plank boy rich and we aren't??????   :grrr:  Or is it daddy money and sucking funds from gullible people?   :yarly:

He's sucking something from rich people but it ain't money.  :eyebrows: :squit:
So he is suck seeding in the market Ice Felch wants to break into?  :LOL: