Author Topic: Post here if TCO is ignoring you  (Read 7379 times)

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #75 on: October 05, 2011, 05:27:58 PM »
Yes. It stinks. Asked odeon about fixing that once so it could be seen again. Seems we're stuck with it.

I don't really mind too much.  That way it stays more true to its function really, as opposed to being a passive-aggressive way of saying fuck you to someone :laugh:

I think I've only used it once or twice when I was purposely being obnoxious.


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #76 on: October 05, 2011, 05:29:37 PM »
I'm guessing that he's busy putting half of I2 on ignore :toporly:

Jimmy Hopkins   05:23:40 PM   Unknown Action


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #77 on: October 05, 2011, 05:29:55 PM »
Yes. It stinks. Asked odeon about fixing that once so it could be seen again. Seems we're stuck with it.

I don't really mind too much.  That way it stays more true to its function really, as opposed to being a passive-aggressive way of saying fuck you to someone :laugh:

I think I've only used it once or twice when I was purposely being obnoxious.
That's a good point.


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #78 on: October 05, 2011, 05:30:32 PM »
I'm guessing that he's busy putting half of I2 on ignore :toporly:

Jimmy Hopkins   05:23:40 PM   Unknown Action
Semicolon once figured out the unknown action by members logged in is viewing the karma stats.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 05:32:58 PM by Jack »


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #79 on: October 05, 2011, 05:32:17 PM »
I always thought Bint was a manipulative piece of shit.

Get fucked you sick twunt.

Hey, I'll ignore the fucking lot of you if that's your game.

And you cunts aren't "ganging up"?

As I said, get fucked.

By responding, you just proved MLA's point!   :facepalm2:

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #80 on: October 05, 2011, 05:36:32 PM »

I can't believe what i am reading!

I am in shock! ???

You thought the people who didn't like him were unreasonable, didn't you?  :P
  I possibly thought he was undeserving of some of the stuff up until
he said about thumping butterflies.  Don't like men threatening women.   :thumbdn:
I am a bit 'old school'  in that respect.   Despite that i have been quite nice to him upon his return -  letting bygones be bygones and all that!  But the bit about the nazi's and gypsies being 'non-persons' has made me feel a bit sick, actually.  That is so fucking twisted.  What a hateful thing to say?  I don't know how he has the
audacity to keep coming here!

I know where you're coming from.

The first time I saw him meltdown was with Scrappy. I liked him at the time and believed him when he was accusing Scrappy of bullying him, although I kept out of it.

Now that I've had issues myself with him, I realize that he is an expert at stirriing up shit , while presenting himself as the victim.

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #81 on: October 05, 2011, 06:02:49 PM »

I can't believe what i am reading!

I am in shock! ???

You thought the people who didn't like him were unreasonable, didn't you?  :P
  I possibly thought he was undeserving of some of the stuff up until
he said about thumping butterflies.  Don't like men threatening women.   :thumbdn:
I am a bit 'old school'  in that respect.   Despite that i have been quite nice to him upon his return -  letting bygones be bygones and all that!  But the bit about the nazi's and gypsies being 'non-persons' has made me feel a bit sick, actually.  That is so fucking twisted.  What a hateful thing to say?  I don't know how he has the
audacity to keep coming here!

 FWIW I suspect the "non-persons" bit may be what the Nazis called the people they killed, TCO might just be quoting them on that.   :chin:
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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #82 on: October 05, 2011, 06:07:19 PM »
All I have to say is Holocaust denialism is selfish and inconsiderate. There's a reason it's considered a crime in some countries.

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #83 on: October 05, 2011, 06:24:53 PM »
All I have to say is Holocaust denialism is selfish and inconsiderate. There's a reason it's considered a crime in some countries.

As an Aussie, what is a Boori? I guessed it was a term for Aborigine, but couldn't find any reference to it on google. Is it seen as an offensive term?

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #84 on: October 05, 2011, 06:40:34 PM »
Another interesting post:

Personally, I think what the Nazis did was obscene BUT the fucking thing was an exaggeration. The 6 million figure only works if you include the gypsies and well as all the Russian Jews and the other non-persons sent to the death camps. There is no fucking way there could have been that many Jews alone killed off when you consider the population of Australia in WWII was around 7.5 million. It's all propaganda put forward by that Wiesenthal idiot, who had probably only heard about the death camps through the newspapers anyway. Who gives a shit now, anyway, It's 2008, move on.


Just reading it again.  Cbc may have a point.  How does everyone else read it?
blah blah blah

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #85 on: October 05, 2011, 06:45:42 PM »
All I have to say is Holocaust denialism is selfish and inconsiderate. There's a reason it's considered a crime in some countries.

As an Aussie, what is a Boori? I guessed it was a term for Aborigine, but couldn't find any reference to it on google. Is it seen as an offensive term?

Actually, I wouldn't know. I have a very hard time understanding some of the Aussie slangs here.

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #86 on: October 05, 2011, 06:49:27 PM »
Another interesting post:

Personally, I think what the Nazis did was obscene BUT the fucking thing was an exaggeration. The 6 million figure only works if you include the gypsies and well as all the Russian Jews and the other non-persons sent to the death camps. There is no fucking way there could have been that many Jews alone killed off when you consider the population of Australia in WWII was around 7.5 million. It's all propaganda put forward by that Wiesenthal idiot, who had probably only heard about the death camps through the newspapers anyway. Who gives a shit now, anyway, It's 2008, move on.


Just reading it again.  Cbc may have a point.  How does everyone else read it?

I think what CBC said is right about the "non-persons" bit.

However, his post reeks of holocaust denial, and to say that "Who gives a shit now, anyway, It's 2008, move on" is sick and disgusting.


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #87 on: October 06, 2011, 12:24:47 AM »
All I have to say is Holocaust denialism is selfish and inconsiderate. There's a reason it's considered a crime in some countries.

I wouldn't use those words. It is simply a paranoid and delusional belief.

It should never be a crime to deny the holocaust though.

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #88 on: October 06, 2011, 01:01:52 AM »

I can't believe what i am reading!

I am in shock! ???

You thought the people who didn't like him were unreasonable, didn't you?  :P
  I possibly thought he was undeserving of some of the stuff up until
he said about thumping butterflies.  Don't like men threatening women.   :thumbdn:
I am a bit 'old school'  in that respect.   Despite that i have been quite nice to him upon his return -  letting bygones be bygones and all that!  But the bit about the nazi's and gypsies being 'non-persons' has made me feel a bit sick, actually.  That is so fucking twisted.  What a hateful thing to say?  I don't know how he has the
audacity to keep coming here!

 FWIW I suspect the "non-persons" bit may be what the Nazis called the people they killed, TCO might just be quoting them on that.   :chin:

I read the post of TCO and thought: "Is the holocaust any less bad if the six million is the total of destructed people and not "jews only"?" Makes no sense. Every destructed person is one too much. And, it was a well-oiled destruction machine back then.
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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #89 on: October 06, 2011, 05:14:14 AM »
All I have to say is Holocaust denialism is selfish and inconsiderate. There's a reason it's considered a crime in some countries.

As an Aussie, what is a Boori? I guessed it was a term for Aborigine, but couldn't find any reference to it on google. Is it seen as an offensive term?

Aboriginals are not one collective whole. There are various tribes around Australia. The Booris would be the Queensland Aboriginals and in say WA where I grew up that are the Noongar tribe.
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