Poor you. Still feeling bullied?
Not in the slightest, moron. See? You just don't get it, I'm killing myself laughing everytime I read some of this shit. Fuck, you assholes should publish it - it's fucking pricelsess. 
It's a pity you haven't got the foggiest idea of when you've been taken for a ride, but then again, all the power you seem to have must have seriously fucked your comprehensive ability. 'Oh look, he's back again for more. Now we have him'. What a laugh. You have NOTHING, dipshit. Nothing but a bunch of sheep bowing to your every move. Odeunt says jump, and they all say 'how high?' Fucking priceless, and I'm loving every minute of it. 
I've talked to mates of mine about this group of fucktards on a forum, fucktards who think they are big and tough playing e-wars. They said,'you're fucking kidding me. Are they that fucking much off their trees?' I said yeah. They said, 'shit, we'd feel sorry for them, but then again they are fucktards on a forum....' 
I think I'll just keep taking the piss, because there is no way known this shit can be taken seriously. 
So. Steve isn't really having meltdowns, and when he appears to start crying and beg for his mates to jump in, it's really just an act and the joke is really on us.

The more of his posts I read, the more I realise what a thick, retarded, cowardly manchild he really is.