Author Topic: Post here if TCO is ignoring you  (Read 7414 times)

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2011, 01:10:33 PM »
4 of us?
I thought it was me you and Scrappy.

Kosmo: ignore mod, mate, so tell it to the mountain.


Kosmonaut hasn't posted here in ages.

Did he get banned or something? or am I thinking of someone else??

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2011, 01:11:20 PM »
Another interesting post:

Personally, I think what the Nazis did was obscene BUT the fucking thing was an exaggeration. The 6 million figure only works if you include the gypsies and well as all the Russian Jews and the other non-persons sent to the death camps. There is no fucking way there could have been that many Jews alone killed off when you consider the population of Australia in WWII was around 7.5 million. It's all propaganda put forward by that Wiesenthal idiot, who had probably only heard about the death camps through the newspapers anyway. Who gives a shit now, anyway, It's 2008, move on.

Sounds a bit like a holocaust denier to me. Maybe he's using the same maths to work out how many Jews died, as he used to decide fossil fuels are a renewable energy source :facepalm2:


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2011, 01:13:19 PM »
4 of us?
I thought it was me you and Scrappy.

Kosmo: ignore mod, mate, so tell it to the mountain.


Kosmonaut hasn't posted here in ages.

Did he get banned or something? or am I thinking of someone else??

I dunno.  Never knew him.  Just came across that post and I am sure there are several others he is "ignoring".


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2011, 01:15:36 PM »
B)  I see his MO hasn't changed even a little in 4 years.

That is why I dub TCO the Sisyphus of morons.


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2011, 01:35:25 PM »


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2011, 01:43:22 PM »
Given you have shit on the face, and sleep with it, that makes us even. Does she squeal when you fuck her from behind? Or does she just grunt like every other hog.

Have you seen the little piggies rolling in the dirt
all for dunc's feral kiddies life is getting worse
a bushpig for a wife to smack their arses......

Attacking people's kids

Have you seen your psychiatrist yet? You need to take your meds and calm down. You are making an even bigger moron out of yourself than you look. Teach you to marry a bushpig with no charm, I guess.

And after the make up sex I'd need a dose pf penicillint to get rid of the syphs you'd have given me, you diseased fuck.

More chicken and whine, dunc style.

Attacking someone's wife.

Poor little Kosmo. Pass him some hankies, he's gonna cry. Or a gun, so he can finish the fucking thing properly. Hey cunt, do a youtube of your suicide. Could be the best one yet.

Telling people to commit suicide x at least 6 so far.

Absolutely the fucking same.  This could have been last week.


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2011, 01:46:03 PM »
Binty, do you remember the fight that led to his quitting the time before the time before last?  (The time before I joined)

I remember reading it and thinking it was hilarious, but can't remember the topic.  Something where he came down on the wrong side of science and fact and refused to admit he was wrong and blah, blah, blah.......


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #22 on: October 05, 2011, 01:50:12 PM »
Perrsonally the whole I2 spirit is fucked anyway. Shorter paragraphs eh? Can't you fucktards read anything longer than two sentences? I've heard Aspies had shit attention spans; obviously that proves it. I write what i fucking feel like, and if you can't take it, go form a line behind the nearest wall and bash your fucking heads against it, you fucking sooks. Superior minds, bullshit. Superior nothing. I piss on all this crap about how you arseholes are so much better than everyone else. Society already thinks you are a bunch of losers and dorks, try proving them wrong by NOT setting yourselves above them. Given that so called intellect, I'm sure that you could have worked it out. Obviously by the state of this forum, you've all proved what nonces you really are. You cunts really do belong on WrongPlanet, because Earth and society in general are never going to be your speed.

^This was another thing he used to do if he felt he was being "ganged up on".

Binty, do you remember the fight that led to his quitting the time before the time before last?  (The time before I joined)

I remember reading it and thinking it was hilarious, but can't remember the topic.  Something where he came down on the wrong side of science and fact and refused to admit he was wrong and blah, blah, blah.......

I can't remember; not sure if I was around regularly then.  I'll probably find it though.  Still looking for the argument I had with him way back in 2009.


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2011, 01:57:09 PM »
I almost forgot about when he called out Jack.,18038.msg791466.html#msg791466

Completely off the mark there.


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2011, 02:03:22 PM »
If nothing is done about these arseholes that are consistently getting at me, I will leave and not come back. Scrapheap, Shleed, Vodz and some other bastards think it's funny playing games. Fucking childish OCD and manic fucking retardedness is their only excuse.

One of these arseholes has made up a sockpuppet using my profile, and I'm not standing for it. I want whoever is responsible sinbinned, baned or whatever.

If nothing is done, I will leave permanently and you'll have lost a member who thought he had good standing around here. Someone who actually gave a damn.

Fuck these imbeciles.

Have any of these people been banned?  No?

Is TCO still here?  Yes.


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2011, 02:06:13 PM »
I'll make sure odeon sinbins your fucking arse.

 :runaway: :spitscreen:


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #27 on: October 05, 2011, 02:11:12 PM »
OK. This might seem like a whine, but it isn't. I'm just woolgathering here.

Just wanting some feedback on whether I've been going over the top to try to fit in here. I don't want people to say 'yeah, you have and it's bullshit so cut it out'. See, I feel that the only way to 'fit in' somewhere is to try to get noticed, and maybe I fucked up with the approach. Basically, what I want to know is how do I stop being a try-hard?



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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #28 on: October 05, 2011, 02:11:35 PM »
Right, you fucking imbecile. Do your job properly or fuck off then. I'm sick of being taken to the fucking cleaners just because you want to protect this fucking retard. Why are you giving him special fucking treatment then going by your fucked up logic. You pretend to be an admin, burt whne someone asks for help against a malicious attack in the way Kosmo is using, you do everything to sick up for him and tell ME to take it. Well you can shove it up your arse, then you fucking arsehole, cos I'm sick of weedy little arseholes like you playing fucked up games and pandering to drugged out psychos like him because you have A fetish for him. Fucking Calandale was right, you are a twat.

And as I said before, you dense fucking idiot, a limited share site like Soph's one does NOT mean he can raid it when he ISN'T A FUCKING MEMBER.


No, I'm saying that you should take some responsibility for publishing your picture on the Internet in the first place. You're extremely naive if you think that "a limited share site" means people can't access and use the picture.

You should also know that calling me names won't help your cause.

And you're a bit naive if you think that concerns me at the moment. I ask for help, and what do I get? Fuck all. Someone like him goes and parades around like a twat and what does he get? A fucking pat on the back. Fucking mothers' club knitting circle. I, like others had the right to post on that site what we pleased. Kosmo could only have found out about it had he either logged into zOMG (which he has been banned), or found out via someone else. He did it without my permission, so that still makes him a thief. What part of the words NOT A MEMBER don't you understand. Now if you aren't happy with what I've said, then do something for fuck's sake. But don't sit there and tell me what to do when you can't keep your own fucking house in order. And don't fucking lecture me about what I can and can't post; a private site is not for arseholes like him to grab what they please. If he wants to get stuff, tell him to use fucking Shareaza.

Fuck the rules, fuck the lot of you. None of you care a shit about anything. You let a mindless cunt like Kosmo do whatever the fuck he likes, and then laugh at any attempt by anyone to complain about it. Your all nothing but a bunch of fucked up retarded shitheads, and this whole place stinks like shit. Calandale was right about you bastards, and I hope the whole fucking lot of your perish like the fucking vermin you are.

You can stick your site up your jacksie, and all go and fuck yourselfs, you retarded cunts.


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #29 on: October 05, 2011, 02:13:44 PM »
Oh and:

Expect a summons, asshole. Violation of licensed material, as the photo was named and dated on the site. Proof enough that it did not belong to you, and proof that you are a fucking thief. It may have been placed on a public forum, but was njot yours to do with what you liked. Civil proceeding will sort it out, and your computer will be taken by the authorities and examined. The authorities will get you for distribution of kiddie porn, as it is an offence under British law to disseminate that material. Obscene publications Act 1964 as amended. And your internet privileges will be fucked when they arrest you finally, you bastard.

And yes, Adam What's'isname is more fucking stupid than he looks.