Looking through his old posts, it seems TCO has a history of threatening women with violence 
Got into a similar situation back in 2000 with some booris who had pinched some of my fiance's daughter's gear. They came round to have a go, and we told them to get fucked. The boori woman got in and I went toe to toe and threatened to throw her down the stairs. She went, and the cops got them later on. Never got the stuff back. Found out later on her cousin killed himself in the lockup at Wolgert in NSW.
Thats actually quite disturbing. He doesn't even seem to be in meltdown mode when he wrote that.
He has some pretty upsetting views about violence towards women and children.
I remember his argument about smacking children. There isn't one rational person who could possibly believe that someone like Steve should ever be allowed to exercise corporal punishment against a child. He simply lacks the judgement, and if his behaviour here is anything to go by, he also lacks restraint.
I'm not saying this because I dislike him. I genuinely think he is a serious danger to women, children, and anyone he believes he could beat up.