
Author Topic: Post here if TCO is ignoring you  (Read 7372 times)

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #30 on: October 05, 2011, 02:18:37 PM »
Fuck you, fuck the whole autistic community. If that's the way you carry on in a forum then god fucking help you in real life. No wonder normal people think you are all dickheads and tossers. There are maybe 10 people on this forum with any brains, much of the rest don't contribute, and those others are just full of shit. As I said, if that's an indication of the amount of respect you show people that are on your forums and shit, then no wonder people don't care about you.


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #31 on: October 05, 2011, 02:22:48 PM »
Hey, fucktards, just ban me then. Obvious you can't, because that makes you like Wankplanet. Free speech? Bullshit more like it. Unless you are in with 'the crowd', you are fucked. I'll do what I want, thankyou, so if you don't like it, you can alway fuck dunc and the other retards. I'm not here to be nice to anyone, so if you don't like it, get some Demerol and get some help.

It's fucking obvious a certain amount of fuckwits around here don't want me here, and they know that the only way to get rid of me is to hound me from here. You arsefucks brought it on yourselves, and have made this site into one of the biggest laughing stocks on the net. No normal person would come within cooee of here, and it's only cos your all Aspies that anyone is bothering to post at all. I came here to see what was up, and cos there were one or two people I knew from other places. Pity they are the only ones worth talking to. Since I've been here, I've copped nothing but bullshit from those intent on pushing me out, so as far as I'm concerned, they can all go fuck themselves with a sharp stick. As I said in another post, no more Mr Nice Guy, and if you don't like how I play the game, get yourselves a life.


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #32 on: October 05, 2011, 02:26:40 PM »
All fact, dipshit.

And besides, I don't talk in paragraphs, or is that another fucked up aspie trait amongst you 'tards?

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #33 on: October 05, 2011, 02:35:51 PM »
Are you lot having fun?  :zoinks:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #34 on: October 05, 2011, 02:51:55 PM »
Are you lot having fun?  :zoinks:

'Course  :zoinks:

Seems like it.

BTW, how many actually DO read the fucking TOS's of ANY site they log into? Same as when you download and install a program you just hit the 'I agree' button. If anyone actually says yes, then I'd be fucking surprised.....

Oh, and eclair, go fuck yourself with something hard and sandpapery. If you wan't stuff that won't shock and offend on a fucking ADULT forum,  :gotowp:

What you say is beside the point. Try to grow a brain.

Get fucked, cunt. Yer on ignore.

The one where TCO seems to think posting child porn is the same as posting regular porn...
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 02:55:40 PM by Binty »


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #35 on: October 05, 2011, 03:02:31 PM »
Get over yourself, you ignorant imbecile. I've had you by the balls ever since I got on here defending buttcoffee, and the tighter I squeeze, the more you howl.

You are nothing but an insecure waste of cum on a dirty sheet somewhere in Bumblefuck downtown USA.

You know, the place that's 99% redneck and 1% braindead.

You talk about pwning or whatever the fuck that means. We people in the real world, and I don't mean this shithole of a site on a poxy fucking thing called an 'internet', call it 'kicking your fucking arse', which is what I've been doing all along.

I laugh at your empty bullshit threats, you wannabe tough guy. I bet you even self diagnosed your autism, which makes you an bigger dichead than you look 'cos only a true fucktard would say they are autistic without actually getting a diagnosis.

Hell, the fucking joke's really on you, asshole. I don't even have autism. I'm just a regular guy poking shit at you cos you are a fucked-up twat on a forum trying to play tough. Shit, talk about a laff riot.

And what's even funnier is that you and those other vegetables sticking up for you on this bullshit arena for the retarded are actually serious when it comes to believing all the shit you write. Fuck, George Carlin couldn't have scripted it better.

Now go take your pissy little challenge, and shove it up yer arse with the rest of the bullshit.

At least I won't die wondering who the real fucktards are around here.

Get over yourself, you ignorant imbecile. I've had you by the balls ever since I got on here defending buttcoffee, and the tighter I squeeze, the more you howl.

More blabber and bullshit.

You know, the place that's 99% redneck and 1% braindead.

I can't argue with that. It is.

You talk about pwning or whatever the fuck that means. We people in the real world, and I don't mean this shithole of a site on a poxy fucking thing called an 'internet', call it 'kicking your fucking arse', which is what I've been doing all along.

Blabber and bullshit.

call it 'kicking your fucking arse', which is what I've been doing all along.

Blabber and bullshit.

I laugh at your empty bullshit threats, you wannabe tough guy. I bet you even self diagnosed your autism, which makes you an bigger dichead than you look 'cos only a true fucktard would say they are autistic without actually getting a diagnosis.

More shit.

Hell, the fucking joke's really on you, asshole. I don't even have autism. I'm just a regular guy poking shit at you cos you are a fucked-up twat on a forum trying to play tough. Shit, talk about a laff riot.

Still more shit.

And what's even funnier is that you and those other vegetables sticking up for you on this bullshit arena for the retarded are actually serious when it comes to believing all the shit you write. Fuck, George Carlin couldn't have scripted it better.

Now go take your pissy little challenge, and shove it up yer arse with the rest of the bullshit.

Childish rant or some shit.
Namecalling, other nonesense.

Weak reply.


BTW, here's something I posted on another thread, just for you:

No, you cunts are the ones who can't see it. The whole fucking lovefest. The schoolyard clique. I back up my attempts at pointing out how fucked this site is and what do i get? A mouthful of fucking abuse.

You bastards obviously have your heads so far up yer arses that you are oblivious to anything that is happening outside of your own little world. Shit, if all fucking autists are like this, then no wonder you are all fucked. And in a big way.

Typical mentality of a group of bullies and thugs is to go after the one differing opinion, then hound them until they fuck off or until you break them in some other way. I thought people with autism were meant to be intelligent and intellectual. Above all that schoolyard bullshit. Obviously you aren't. None of you on this fucked up site is worth a pinch of shit outside of the saftey of this bullshit forum, and the funny thing is you are all too fucking stupid to realise it. Yeah, have a go at me, you arseholes, call me names and tell me to fuck off. Proves my point.

I'm the only one here who has the balls to stand up for myself, and it seems like all I get from retarded vegetables like you is insult after insult.

Calandale was right, the only ones who had any sense here have gone. All that's left are the dregs at the bottom of the barrel. Each and every last one of you.

And the biggest prick on here is that cunt odeon. Here we have someone who plays at being the fucking Messiah, and lauds his power over people by banning them just because they don't suck his dick in the way he likes. Well odeon, why don't you show some balls and actually back up your bullshit with some real facts instead of some half-assed threat to ban someone if they break an arbitrary bullshit thing like the TOS? Or are you just gonna sit back and piss and moan like the rest of the dickheads here. Hey, I even heard you were going to try to hack zOMG, even though you don't have an account there, and said you wouldn't waste your time there. Why? Cos we are laughing at you there? Tough. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the fucking kitchen. You think I'm joking, eh? The only joke around here is this site.

Hell, since you arseholes decided to put shit on me for sticking up for someone, and having my say, well I've decided to fuck around with you.

If you want me gone, then have the balls to confront me and kick me off. If not, then shove it up your arse, you weak bunch of wankers.

I'm through taking shit from a bunch of nobodies who should be old enough to know better.

Now if you have a problem with, or don't like anything I've got to say, tough. Tell it to someone who cares, like your fuckbuddies on this weak as piss site.


And predictably...

Fuck this place, I'm outta here. I've never been made to feel welcome here because of a certain fucked up bully-boy mentality that has pervaded this place since day 1. I thought, 'wow, a site where I could have fun, and a few laughs.' Bullshit. open my mouth to say something, and some arsehole has to shove his jackboots down it. None of you seem to get the idea that this is just a fucking forum, the world DOES NOT revolve around you.
It seems everyone is supposed to be entitled to their opinion. Again, bullshit. It's 'we play as a team, and we do things my way' and if you don't fit the mould, then fuck off. Arseholes like RageBeoulve, odeon, Hadron, Kosmo, Phlexor and all the rest of the lovefest prove this. Fuck, the only decent one I got on with for awhile was Sir Les, and I bet you told him to take a flying fuck as well. What right have you to make yourselves out to be all holier than thou and think you are untouchable? You throw shit around at people and laugh till they either fuck off or you kick them off, and then laugh about it and gladhand until the cows come home. Sure, I might post some stuff that might get up people's noses, but ffs, it's my opinion. I defended someone who I thought was getting a raw deal over a post he'd mad and BAM, a mouthful of abuse from the peanut gallery.

Well, fuck this shit. I know where I'm not wanted.  I'm sick of being the whipping boy for some childish game, so you can have your site.

Goodbye. I'd like to say it's been fun, but it hasn't.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 03:05:37 PM by Binty »


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #36 on: October 05, 2011, 03:07:43 PM »
TCO why are you on so many AS sites if you don't have AS?

I'm just asking out of interest btw

Because I actually have some FRiENDS on these sites who I can talk to without being singled out. zOMG and chaos for 2. But here, the dominant theme is to put down anyone who is an easy target, and the opinion of a lot of Aspies is that they are sooo much better than everyone else - especially NTs. Wankplanet was full of it, and you guys obviously learned well from them. And simply, the reason I am treating this forum as a cess-pool is because every other bugger howls down  my opinion and they all think they are the only ones that matter. ffs, everybody is meant to be the same, so cut the snobbish bullshit out.

This site was meant to be a laugh, but because of the persistent name calling and bullying that most of YOU have been practicing, it's become just another kindergarten full of misbehaved children. I give back what I get, and I've copped a LOT of fucking nastiness from several of you people, and none of it good humoured. Had it been so, then there wouldn't be a problem; I can laugh along with the best joke. But if you give me shit and gang up, then expect me to be fucking pissed.

Actually you seem to be the only one we have any real problems with, mostly because you are doing everything in your power to cause problems. Thats pretty much inexcusable, especially since you have no particular diagnosis on the spectrum and your sole purpose for coming here seems to be to give us a hard time.  ;)

Big fucking deal


So what? You don't want me here, that's your bad fucking luck. You keep replying to my posts, so obviously I AM getting to you. And in case you can't read, or can't understand English, I psoted my reason for coming on to these sites. You lot started this way back last year when you let that dipshit Kosmo start in. I didn't like it then and I sure as fuck don't like it now. That first bit of fuckery was because I did what all you happy assholes were doing - bitched about Wnakplanet or some shit. My entitlement. But, you all sided with Kosmo, just as you are doing with cookie boy here to make it uncomfortable for me. I thought I'd give here a second chance when someone told me that Kosmo had gone, and things had calmed down. What happened? I got a mouthful of fucking abuse.

Stick up for someone here, even if they are a prat, and you are targetted by the lovefest. Yeah, put down zOMG, but at least Soph doesn't allow this shit to go on over there, because people there don't take themselves so seriously. Nor does chaos have the same problems; Calandale obviously knows what he's doing if members don't get pissed off like they do here.

And for your fucking information, I have not had a go at 'everyone' here. As I have not encountered 'everyone', I have targetted the ones who have pissed me off. In other words, the lovefest. As I said, treat me like shit, and you cop it back.

Hey, I don't expect you all to agree with anything I've said, and you won't, but what I do expect is the same respect that any other bugger would get. Not bullshit nastiness and the threat of being chased off.

And if you still want to fuck me atound, then at least have the decency to ban me, so we can end this charade.

Well he's just painted a big red X on himself now. Any other place is gonna not trust you now for the simple fact that a) you are insane. b) your arguments make no sense. and c) you will chuck a hissy fit and try and get places shut down if they dont play nice with you.

Good luck with that.

As if I give a shit, moron. I mean, no cunt trusts me now anyway, so what fucking difference does it make?

A bunch of fucktards on a childish site. Hi-fucking-larious.

The fact remains that you are an nt who is trying to bully autistic people. What are you doing here anyway?

There goes the snob again, using his so-called superiority argument. Typical.


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #37 on: October 05, 2011, 03:11:15 PM »


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #38 on: October 05, 2011, 03:12:13 PM »
B)  I see his MO hasn't changed even a little in 4 years.

Nope, not at all:

Dirtdawg, you are a liar and a cunt. He said if I wanted to upset him I should mention his dead daughter, So I did. He hasn't got one, shit for brains. Get your facts right, you nasty cumbucket.

Alex, you weasel; you stick up for this unintelligent gimp who just enjoys getting a rise out of others and who hasn't got the balls to say what his REAL problem is. Go fuck yourself as well, cuntrag.

Callaway, I respected you, but if you fall for their shit and side with this tosser, then more fucking fool you. And that goes for the rest of you.

Ozy: I posted stuff about them COS i WAS FUCKING BANNED AND i HATE THE FUCKING PLACE! Are you aspies so fucking dense? I wouldn't go back if a herd of wild horses dragged me. They are whiny losers, and can all fuck themselves

Sir Les - at least you could have backed me up. Talk to you later if you want.

Really, this site is a poxy interpretation of a forum, and is just a pissweak representation of a group of dickheads scoring points. I want nothing to do with a bunch of losers who just whine and moan, so you can fuck off.

I still remember the first "argument" I had with him, a couple years ago.  I'll see if I can dig it up.  It was quite hilarious.

I heard about Dirt Dawg and I know the others, who's this "ozy" person?  I read that he posted something on wp recently.  Is he/she a former member here?? 

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #39 on: October 05, 2011, 03:16:12 PM »
Ozy is a he and used to be a member here. I think he still posts at Dunc's Drivel.
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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #40 on: October 05, 2011, 03:17:47 PM »
D'aaw Binty and Rage were so cute together.  :green:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #41 on: October 05, 2011, 03:18:08 PM »
The one where TCO loses his shit completely:,11369.0.html
« Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 03:28:28 PM by Binty »

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #42 on: October 05, 2011, 03:20:58 PM »
Something I read in a thread Binty posted made me just lose any respect I had for him.

That's because you fuckwits are such easy targets.  :hahaha:

I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #43 on: October 05, 2011, 03:25:31 PM »
D'aaw Binty and Rage were so cute together.  :green:

More like nauseatingly embarrassing :laugh:

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Re: Post here if TCO is ignoring you
« Reply #44 on: October 05, 2011, 03:39:14 PM »
He really seems to hate aspies. I wonder why he spends so much time on an aspie site.

It amazes me that he is completely oblivious to the fact that he is the biggest spazz on the site my a mile.