I am a follower of God and this thread has actually been really neat to read (the coherent responses not just the cheap jab responses) I respect other points of views and I've been told I'm not a very typical Christian well I'm not really even a Christian I am a Messianic Believer in Christ which is even more of a minority

I love it actually because I can be who I was created to be and not feel guilt and condemnation for there isn't any condemnation for those who are in Christ...His love that is patient and kind and is something that drives out fear...I'd go on but you as the reader get the point I'm sure...
Religion is the opposite of what I believe in, sadly some don't see this or cannot differentiate between religion and a relationship or I have been mocked for having a relationship with God...re: "I believe in the flying spaghetti monster" etc...it used to actually hurt me, but now I find it amusing

I can't expect all to understand faith and that is OK, I'm comfortable enough with who I am to be more then OK with that...

Faith has been a huge anchor for me, and it has given me a sense of community when I didn't have any two years ago, faith has freed me from self-harm as mentioned before faith has given me an identity that complements who I am because I am free to be who I am without fear of being odd because that is how I was meant to be...
I'm OK with being the someone who breaks down walls in a conversation or in groups irl and from my experiences when I open up with others it's funny (neat) when I get feed back of 'wow you made me feel comfortable in my own skin' or 'you have given me hope that there is still goodness' I only point back to my faith that has caused it for really there isn't anything good in me but that which was put in me through walking with the God I love...