As you may or may not be aware, there is a magnetic storm going on right now.
It is being caused by Coronal Mass Ejection, specifically from AR1302. There is a good chance in the next 24 hours of an X-class ejection; Should that happen, watch the skies - it's going to be spectacular.
Planetary Kp value just went up from 3 to 4; This means that Aurora will be visible further south than usual. It's expected to keep rising for the next 24 hours, before capping out at 8.

Specific geographical regions.
This image will periodically update. If you are under the blue canopy, look to the north, and if you're lucky, you'll see Aurora.
You should also be able to hear it; I don't know the frequencies, though. Look on UHF bands.
Space WeatherAn ExplainationIf it should get to 8, do not rely on your GPS, because it's going to lie to you.