Author Topic: I am seriously, seriously pissed off  (Read 2070 times)

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I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« on: September 26, 2011, 11:40:33 PM »
So, as some of you probably know I have a manipulative twit of an ex boyfriend named Jeff that tore my fucking heart out at the beginning of august. I'm pretty much over it, honestly. I can see he is a shitstain and nothing more. The problems is, he wont leave me the fuck alone.

So he keeps calling this sort-of-not-friend of mine. Over and over. Trying to say things I guess in the hopes that it gets back to me and I get upset, or something. Well it is getting back to me, and it just made me LOL at first but I am really starting to get pissed off. It's starting to get obsessive. It seems like every day I get another phone call " Jeff called me again last night. This time he said X Y and Z personal things about you, and is trying very hard to act like he is trying to bring you down"

Bring me down. I don't think that is possible but I'm really fed up. I tried to call him and confront him, he has my number blocked. He deleted his collarme account. I was then going to send him a message on facebook and apparently he blocked me cause it says that he doesn't even exist anymore. I have no way of contacting him. I tried to get a very masculine and aggressive friend of mine to call him for me, and he just hangs up. He isn't stopping. I was almost flattered at first, to know I affected him so much. but now I wonder what's next.

I know that if he doesn't stop, I really am going to find a way to retaliate. I'm sure he doesn't want his family and friends to know he is a submissive bitch that dresses like a girl and likes it in the ass.

Why am I posting this here ? Because I am like 90% certain he lurks here. He did when we were together when I would be sleeping and he was awake. So, he knows this place is important to me and he knows I'll talk about anything here. And he has got to an obsessive point with wanting to "destroy me" so I am almost certain he is watching me here too.

You hear that Jeff ? Stop calling Josh or I will out you, to everyone.

This is war.

Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2011, 11:49:29 PM »


Offline Callaway

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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2011, 11:54:10 PM »
So, as some of you probably know I have a manipulative twit of an ex boyfriend named Jeff that tore my fucking heart out at the beginning of august. I'm pretty much over it, honestly. I can see he is a shitstain and nothing more. The problems is, he wont leave me the fuck alone.

So he keeps calling this sort-of-not-friend of mine. Over and over. Trying to say things I guess in the hopes that it gets back to me and I get upset, or something. Well it is getting back to me, and it just made me LOL at first but I am really starting to get pissed off. It's starting to get obsessive. It seems like every day I get another phone call " Jeff called me again last night. This time he said X Y and Z personal things about you, and is trying very hard to act like he is trying to bring you down"

Bring me down. I don't think that is possible but I'm really fed up. I tried to call him and confront him, he has my number blocked. He deleted his collarme account. I was then going to send him a message on facebook and apparently he blocked me cause it says that he doesn't even exist anymore. I have no way of contacting him. I tried to get a very masculine and aggressive friend of mine to call him for me, and he just hangs up. He isn't stopping. I was almost flattered at first, to know I affected him so much. but now I wonder what's next.

I know that if he doesn't stop, I really am going to find a way to retaliate. I'm sure he doesn't want his family and friends to know he is a submissive bitch that dresses like a girl and likes it in the ass.

Why am I posting this here ? Because I am like 90% certain he lurks here. He did when we were together when I would be sleeping and he was awake. So, he knows this place is important to me and he knows I'll talk about anything here. And he has got to an obsessive point with wanting to "destroy me" so I am almost certain he is watching me here too.

You hear that Jeff ? Stop calling Josh or I will out you, to everyone.

This is war.

Did you take any pictures or home movies of Jeff dressing like a girl or taking it in the ass?  I would normally never advocate making these public but if he won't leave you alone maybe that would be your best countermove.

Maybe you should stop talking to Josh for a while if he's letting himself be used by Jeff to harass you by relaying messages that you can't reply to.

Offline Calavera

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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2011, 11:58:23 PM »
So, as some of you probably know I have a manipulative twit of an ex boyfriend named Jeff that tore my fucking heart out at the beginning of august. I'm pretty much over it, honestly. I can see he is a shitstain and nothing more. The problems is, he wont leave me the fuck alone.

So he keeps calling this sort-of-not-friend of mine. Over and over. Trying to say things I guess in the hopes that it gets back to me and I get upset, or something. Well it is getting back to me, and it just made me LOL at first but I am really starting to get pissed off. It's starting to get obsessive. It seems like every day I get another phone call " Jeff called me again last night. This time he said X Y and Z personal things about you, and is trying very hard to act like he is trying to bring you down"

Bring me down. I don't think that is possible but I'm really fed up. I tried to call him and confront him, he has my number blocked. He deleted his collarme account. I was then going to send him a message on facebook and apparently he blocked me cause it says that he doesn't even exist anymore. I have no way of contacting him. I tried to get a very masculine and aggressive friend of mine to call him for me, and he just hangs up. He isn't stopping. I was almost flattered at first, to know I affected him so much. but now I wonder what's next.

I know that if he doesn't stop, I really am going to find a way to retaliate. I'm sure he doesn't want his family and friends to know he is a submissive bitch that dresses like a girl and likes it in the ass.

Why am I posting this here ? Because I am like 90% certain he lurks here. He did when we were together when I would be sleeping and he was awake. So, he knows this place is important to me and he knows I'll talk about anything here. And he has got to an obsessive point with wanting to "destroy me" so I am almost certain he is watching me here too.

You hear that Jeff ? Stop calling Josh or I will out you, to everyone.

This is war.

Did you take any pictures or home movies of Jeff dressing like a girl or taking it in the ass?  I would normally never advocate making these public but if he won't leave you alone maybe that would be your best countermove.

Maybe you should stop talking to Josh for a while if he's letting himself be used by Jeff to harass you by relaying messages that you can't reply to.

 :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

 :plus: you evil woman, LOL


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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2011, 12:00:13 AM »
I have some pictures of him dressed like a girl, and he knows it.

He is a self destructing person and I wonder if he is just feeling sorry for himself again and he wants to bring me down with him. That is basically what happened when we broke up. I'm not really friends with Josh. Josh is kinda pissed at me actually cause I kinda dumped him, so I'm sure he is welcoming all of this and enjoys what Jeff is doing.

Ignore them both ? I probably should. But I am almost afraid of the lengths Jeff would go to "Destroy me" since he is indeed very mentally ill.


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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2011, 12:09:17 AM »
My countermove, was making this thread :D Letting him know I know and he knows and we allllllll know. lol. If he really isnt reading it I didnt have anything to worry about anyway. But I'm pretty sure he still lurks here. He liked this place and almost made an account till I told him sometimes people are rude and there are no rules. Then he thought it best to just lurk like the bitch that he is.

hi Jeff. Now go away.


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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2011, 12:19:38 AM »
My countermove, was making this thread :D Letting him know I know and he knows and we allllllll know. lol. If he really isnt reading it I didnt have anything to worry about anyway. But I'm pretty sure he still lurks here. He liked this place and almost made an account till I told him sometimes people are rude and there are no rules. Then he thought it best to just lurk like the bitch that he is.

hi Jeff. Now go away.
I hope that works for you eris.


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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2011, 12:21:08 AM »
naa, It's not going to work. It's just the only place I know I can respond to him. I just want him to know I will tell everyone in his life about his sexual issues if he doesnt stop.


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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2011, 01:50:24 AM »
HA ! So he IS reading it. I guess he unblocked me just long enough to send me this, and then he put me back on block. Timing cannot be this perfect. He hasnt contacted me in over a month, then sends me this an hour after this post.

I think he means "swallow my dick". At least I hope he did, cause I dont know what what wallowed dick means.  :dunno:

So, I got to him :) Good Jeff, now go and read all my other posts that are not about you. I am officially not upset anymore. It's good to know I got to him.

you all can now go back to watching your regularly scheduled program.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 01:53:08 AM by eris »

Offline Calavera

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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2011, 01:53:10 AM »
I think he meant he swallowed his own dick. That would make perfect sense both grammatically and logically.


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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2011, 01:57:06 AM »
maybe he did swallow his own dick. that would explain the lack of testosterone and ability to stand up to someone face to face.

no matter. He is a sad boy, really. I feel bad that he can't get over me. All is for the best.

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2011, 07:18:30 AM »
He is a scared little boy without the courage to be a man. He exists on this Earth only as a reminder to those around him that there is someone worse off than they are. He looks like he has already had shit kicked out of him and it evolved into the sad sorry little bag of frail bones you showed us a photo of. He seems to lack the basics of what anyone would take for granted with their cognitive functions and appearance. He is is a loser of the highest order and he knows this. The only thing he holds onto is the hope that something he says or does will get noticed. In some way, large or small because he has nothing and is nothing.
Any man would take him down and beat shit out of him and most teenage boys too. The only thing that prevents this is he is beneath notice.
A empty frail cowardly kid in a swarm of humanity that he doesn't connect with that do not care to know for him. He will exist as a nothing for his lonely empty pathetic days.
His biggest joke is his life.

Oh and Hi Jeff. Don't hate me, hate the truth. You know it is don't you Jeff. No positive interactions for you this life. Nothing of value and merit. The world will continue and nothing you say or do will mark you in the minds of anyone. It will be like you never existed. Cruel joke on you that you have.  :hahaha:
« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 07:32:49 AM by Al Swearengen »
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap


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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2011, 09:13:11 AM »
Can he even reach his own dick with his crippled, pathetic body?

It sounds to me like the person you should be having a problem with is the "friend" who is allowing this to continue.

Offline Squidusa

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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #13 on: September 27, 2011, 09:32:03 AM »
Hello Jeff.

I assume you are reading this because you can't get over our own dear Kristine and need to stalk her.  :angel:

Well , I thought I best let you know that one of Kristine's ex's tried to blackmail , threaten and generally verbally abuse her , so she sent me his nudes and I uploaded them to various sites under the forms of demotivational posters.

Kristine has your picture doesn't she? ...what would you do if say... a photo of you in a nice frilly dress appeared on sites such as 4chan? , or hell maybe even appeared on a fake facebook account? , I'm sure your family and friends would LOVE to see that don't you think?

Just a friendly warning , back off while you still can sweetness.  >:D
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline Squidusa

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Re: I am seriously, seriously pissed off
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2011, 10:49:07 AM »
Guest    05:42:06 PM    Viewing the topic I am seriously, seriously pissed off.

Hello there Jeff , enjoying what you're reading?  :hahaha:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.