Part of being myself is accepting good and bad, and that sometimes means contradicting myself. When I was 8 I liked looney toons. I dont anymore. It was strange, I was talking to my dad a while ago and he mentioned that. He asked me if I still watched them. I told him of course I don't, I'm 31 friggin years old. But I will always be 8 to him, almost to a disadvantage. I mean he thinks I am naive. I mentioned the movie A clockwork orange to him once, and he immediately went HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT MOVIE

. Well, dad, i'm 31 friggin years old. I also thought it was funny that he waited till I was 20 years old and living with a man for 2 years before he asked me if I knew about safe sex.
So, I am my dad's little girl. I don't think I'll ever be an adult to him. I am my bosses workhorse, and he will never see me as a little girl. I am my brothers pain in the ass. To some boys I am an authority figure. To some I am a fictional character. To some I am a sweetheart. To some I am a chump and a fool. Some people have loved me. Some people have hated me.
I have no obligation to be any individual thing to anyone, yet I am sure that all of these things make up who I really am, and that person is constantly changing.