Well, with Callaway, it's because my real beef with her is "forbidden", so there's nothing else to do but go about it indirectly. Actually that's where passive-aggression comes from. When for whatever reason, something is preventing honest confrontation. Though there are times I've attacked her words because they pissed me off too, like her treatment of Kayleigh.
Oh, yeah, as if Kayleigh is worthy of good treatment. 
To some people she may be. 
I don't really have an opinion on her anymore tbh , she acted dickishly (excuse the pun
) when she was leaving but meh , penty and richtard were worse.
IMO, it is worse than those two. Especially how she used (and still uses) Renaeden every now and then.
Fair enough.
IMO , I think Ren does these things of her own accord which just proves what a good person she really is.
Penty was maybe an unfair point , he HAS tried to change at least I have to say that.
Richtard is IMO the worst of the three , spends his money on shiny rocks , goes into soup kitchens for homeless or those who don't have money and eats there for free. If the local benefits offices were to know about it I can only imagine what level of shit he would be in.
I think it's kind of harsh for you to say:
Oh, yeah, as if Kayleigh is worthy of good treatment. 
Considering members such as Pyraxis have known Kayleigh for a long time , they probably have a different stance on her.
Just my opinion though feel free to listen or ignore it.