Yeah, I didn't see an argument either. Caught me off guard - I'd practically forgotten about WP and I didn't know I had any reputation there whatsoever.
The only issue I have is the overly pretentious manner you come across when doing it and how it seems more like a vendetta over past butthurt due to past drama.
The reason why I get that impression is how you always seem to only question certain members on I2 anytime you come on as of late, such as Odeon, Callaway etc. Noty particulary fans of either myself, but it's an almost amusing pattern nonetheless. The percieved pretentiousness is more general impression rather than anything to quote, really.
I don't know what to do about the pretentiousness. I've been accused of that most of my life and I want to get rid of it, but whatever it is, it's pretty ingrained.
But yeah, you're right, I always target Odeon and Callaway. I have a pretty deep dislike for both of them, though with Odeon it's getting less and less so.

If that comes off as butthurt, so be it. I don't get how it's pretentious, though. Should I be an equal opportunity abuser regardless of how I feel about all the other people here? I think that would be more elitist, to be a liberal values snob at the expense of common sense.
There are other things I could get mad about. Like WP's stubborn refusal to die a miserable death, because every crop of noobs falls for the same tricks, year after year. The day I find a way to break
that pattern would be an awesome day indeed.