Boy said something strange to me tonight. "Just be yourself, don't worry about what people say." And it was a very sweet sentiment but it makes me think too hard.
How can I not be myself ? If I am not me, who am I ? Am I someone else or no one at all ?
Yes Yes I know what he meant : To thine own self be true. But I am. And are not whims and impulses and frequency of changing mind also myself ? If I have a different viewpoint than I did a year ago which me is more me, the old me or the new me, and if I am just going to change again in the future does that mean the current me is not me either ?
Well I was thinking about all this, then a crushing blow came: I got a message from a man on collarme ( a bdsm dating site ) saying that he has reported my profile and pictures for being fake, and that he thinks I am really a man or something and lying about being a girl that is looking for submissive men.
Obviously I really AM me, and my pictures and personality are also me, but does that matter to the rest of the world ? And to what extent ? To him I do not exist, to all the people that don't know me I don't exist. Is there an obligation for me to prove myself to others ? Of course not, to thine own self be true, but does that mean I do not exist in their reality ?
How can I not be myself ?