Oh boy! I just hit the fuckin jackpot here, local pub is being knocked down, and I just took a quick perfunctory walk round the place.
Amazingly, the pikey element hasn't been at the plumbing. If theres less than half a grand worth of copper and lead to be had, I'm a monkey's uncle.
Tons of pint glasses too, those can go on ebay. Just need to get myself a pipe cutter, and a set of bolt cutters tomorrow when I get paid, so I can get to work. Wouldn't be surprised if theres a grand worth, if the boiler is copper and still there. Although it will take a right go at it with an acetylene torch to take the thing to bits if its there still.
Boilers are worth major cash these days for scrap value. Copper is up to a tenner for just a few kilos, lead is worth less, brass somewhere in between. ALL the pipework, gas mains, water mains, loads of copper wire...all there just begging to be looted for scrap. Nobody else has, and somebody sure as hell will given enough time, might as well get in there first and have the lot off.
Big copper boiler, could be worth 150 or more if its a real big bugger.
Wondering, though, how the fuck I could get it out...but..there is a piano there, mid size..that HAS to be worth a few bob.
But its up on the second floor. I obviously cannot carry it. Question is, how the fuck to get it out. It'll end up smashed to bits if it isn't looted, by the wrecking balls.
Would be a shame to see it smashed to pieces, when it could doubtless be sold for a few grand on ebay.
I'd have it myself, if I could play. But given my money troubles of late, that really, really is just begging to find a way off that second floor.
Along with a microwave, a whole load of fire extinguishers of most (not all) types I could ever need for the lab, and an internet switch. Needed a new microwave for the lab, as I'm thinking of taking the old one apart to build a microwave pulse cannon.
My money trouble is so over

I can't wait to get tooled up and get started on the place. Big fucking copper radiators, real huge copper and lead pipes running loose, plenty more in the crawlspaces and under the floorboards, in the walls etc.
By the time I'm finished, theres not going to be enough scrap metal there to feed a pygmy shrew for half an hour