Afters howering, I went to clean up and paint a house. There were five guys living there, and one was moving out, so I was to paint his room, and clean the public rooms for nice display. Today I spent most of the time scrubbing the bathroom which was incredibly nasty- I don't think it had ever been cleaned in 6 years. I scrubbed so much. I mean...I have never scrubbed that much.
Then I cleaned the cabinets which had a few layers of dust and hairs, mopped, cleaned the sink, the toilet, and organized the shelves.
It amazing- the cabinets were empty, but the shelves were overflowing; they had random toilet paper rolls all over the floors, counters, and window sill, but not on the actual toilet paper holder; the towels were all them same colour and piled on the cabinets, interspersed with used wash cloths; and there was a woman's deodorant....

Well, now its shiny and squeaky clean- the shower walls are white again, the bath tub is one colour, the knobs are shiny-brand new looking, the counter is slick, the toilet doesn't have shoes marks any more, and the floor is mopped. The cleaning supplies were put into the cabinet to make room on the shelf which was dusted and wiped down with bleach. The toilet paper was put in the holder, and the extra rolls were put on the new open shelf, along with the antiseptics, cotton blas, first aid type stuff.
The towels are also lazily folded and hung on the shower rod. The ones I accidentally dropped, or used, were thrown into the wash and will be dry when they get home tonight.

I also managed to paint part of the empty bedroom room.
Btw, the dryer was littered with flint- it is like they know nothing about hygiene at all. I do not understand how anyone could function in a place like that--- messy and dirty and dusty.