Today I took the bus to Wal-Mart and spent two hours and lots of
buying shoes, clothes, bedding,
and other needed things to replace my shabby old stuff. Now a load of my new clothing is whirling in the dryer!
why do people support welfaremart?
It's conveniently located, it has a lot of stuff, it's affordable ... 
but its not affordable. It cost more.
Most of walmarts in store employees rely on state welfare, healthcare and food stamps.
Our tax dollars goes to subsidize their profits. Which, btw, the heirs are worth several billion each, never had to work a day in their lives and get richer off other people's poverty.
It has lots of stuff made in other countries at slave wages. It's all crap.
It may be conveniently located. And it's nice that opening a small business is now nearly impossible thanks to walmarts presents. Thanks Walmart for destroying the American dream.