Today Iz haz a little chit chat talk about the weather with someone (stranger/60~70 y/o) outside the supermarket. He started, out of zhe blue, with an sarcastic/ironic line.. something like, 'What a lovely summer we're having, eej!' I replied by saying; 'Yes, yes.. and it's frikkin' June already.'
Okay, I didn't say frikkin'.. for I'm a polite chap most of the time. Then he continued by stating that there was even snowfall in France. I said; 'Oh yeah?'.. In the Alps, I gather?'
Blahthefrikkin'blah.. but I ending the deep deep dialogue by claiming; 'Well, let's hope Summer will arrive soon and.. bye-yah.. '
Manomanoman, the rock and roll styled life I lead, not?

Well, ran some errands (thus), did a bed linen laundry, dumped some glass and some plastic stuff in special containers (to collect that waste/each separate) and I've done some little garden joblets.
Cooked dinner and ate it (after I've cooked it/cos ja, that's the proper order). Am now contemplating whether I should 'on' my TV or start listening to the radio.