I was in the bathroom washing my hands when an insect (about 9 millimeters long) flew onto the barsoap and got stuck in the suds. I took it off the soap and it dropped into the sink, where I figured it would clean off its wings and take off.
I am not sure what kind of insect it was- sort of looked like a flying ant, but with a pointed abdomen (not quite a stinger)...
Anyways, I come back to pee a few hours later and when I washed my hands, I found the insect drowning in a large droplet of water in the sink; it was sad, the little legs were bent inwards and the antennas were curled up. It was out of habit that I prepared to wash it down the sink when SUDDENLY I wondered if insects could faint, and that perhaps it could be revived.
So I picked it up on my finger, then gently used toilet paper to dry it, and put it on the toilet paper wad. It was motionless. I brought it into the kitchen and set it on a shelf near the back door. I doubted that it was alive...but still....I wondered....
Later, when I came back to check on it, I noticed it's antennas were no longer curled up and were curved outward - and healthy sign. Then I looked closer and could see that it's teeny tiny insect body was twitching.
I then took the toilet paper wad with the insect on it outside to a patio table. There was a soft warm breeze and I imagined that the insect could sense it. I watched it for awhile struggling and wondered if it had been poisoned by the soap.
Then (worried that a bird would chomp on it) I broke off a small leave from a plant and put it over the insect for cover. It reacted when I put the leaf over it, but still couldn't fly off. I then left it to recover in peace. When I returned, it was gone (the leaf was still there). I was glad.
A little tiny insect who struggled to live.