Went to hospital, to the fracture clinic about my knee and hip. They want to do a CT with contrast in my bad knee, as well as an X-ray. Yay...radioactive dye, guess I will get to glow in the dark

and no...not as a result of any of my experiments

Finished my bottle of Bailey's, loaded up a rig with some oxycodone and shot up maybe 40mg via IM..28 gauge needle, stuck a bit of lidocaine solution on afterwards...then watched some HP-lovecraft themed web cartoon strip from the unspeakable vault...cthulhu and his evil outer god family, along with the family dog..one of the hounds of tindalos. Funny as fuck..a family dog that walks through walls.
http://www.goominet.com/unspeakable-vaultReading an email from some researcher who posted on AFF studying aspies, auties and their reactions to MDMA and psilocybin. I'm not a fan of MDxx myself though, or most other entactogens, most entactogens are not my allies really, aside from alpha-methyl tryptamine, the indolic analog of amphetamine, as I am not big on psychostimulants, although AMT is a triple reuptake inhibitor, as well as a very, very very weak MAOI (selective for the MAO isoform MAO-a, which means one needs to be careful with it, as it releases 5HT, as well as DA. It does elevate temperature as such, and its quite long acting. I find it very cleansing and therapeutic really. Nice to go out into the woods on a cool day on a little AMT when going mushroom hunting, walk around for a bit hunting out mushrooms to eat, and hunting for fly agarics, the famous red caps with white, wart-like spots on top, then head off to a little woodland glade, and curl up at the bottom of a tree, watching the world go by, hit a bar on the way home, late at night, for a few beers, finishing the day off with a nice hot espresso coffee spiked with a shot or two, or three, of tia maria and a plate of calamari.)
Gets no better than that...If I'm lucky, find some parasol mushrooms (Macroepiota procera..some Lepiota species are highly toxic, containing the lethal hepatotoxic amatoxins, but the large parasols are lovely when fried up in butter...or maybe some puffballs, chanterelles, or some fried large boletes or slippery jacks. I am so craving some morels [Morchella spp., M.elata, M.esculenta and their relatives] right now though, even if they are a royal son of a thousand whores to clean...slice in half, scrape out slugs and wash clean of bugs. One must never eat them raw however, and one must be totally sure never, ever to confuse them with the highly poisonous false morels, of the genus Gyromitra. These are so poisonous that cooks that never tasted a single bite, have been poisoned. Although they are eaten in some countries, after boiling, throwing away the water, boiling again before being cooked, throwing away the water each time)
I'd never eat those ugly little buggers though. The way to tell, is that true morels, the Morchellas, are hollow inside, covered with pits on the outside, whereas the brain-like Gyromitras are much more solid inside.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morel The true morels, which are meaty tasting, good in gravy, with steaks, especially with shiitake mushrooms, or oyster fungi.
And the toxic, ugly little fuckers, the Gyromitras, which despite the name 'Esculenta' really should never be considered for the table, or even transported/cooked in enclosed spaces, the poisons being based on prodrug-forms of monomethyl hydrazine, nasty stuff more commonly used in hypergolic rocket fuels:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_morelMMH and its toxic properties:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyromitrin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MonomethylhydrazineEvil stuff carcinogenic shite, used as a hypergolic bipropellant with either dinitrogen tetroxide, or fuming nitric. Downright nasty in general. gyromitrin being a convulsant via interference with vitamin B6 metabolism, and inhibiting GABA synthesis, which B6 is a vital cofactor in. As well as fucking over blood chemistry, resulting in alterations of blood sugar levels, haemolysis and causing development of methemoglobinemia, a form of haemoglobin which cannot carry O2.