Oh Gaaawd damnit! I am a stooopid, blonde, air head mo fo

There was a note in the urchins school bag about their Easter Parade, and could parents send their child into school with some kind of Easter bonnet/hat!
Right so, i get to work! I thought a 'Mad Hatter' style top hat (Alice in Wonderland) I covered it in real looking leaves, and moss, and anything green. It had a frog on the top that 'croaked' - a big bow at the side with the card that read ( in this style 10/6 ) and it even had fake green hair (johnny depp stylee) and we get to school ..... and i got the date wrong...it was on Monday. I stayed up half the night finishing it off and suffered the heating being on despite it being lovely weather as i was trying to dry all that pva glue
doh! doh! doh!