Busted my ass, today! It was already cracked, though.
My kindred and I laid out 30 bags of mulch into our front garden/landscape entry way area and half way around one side of the house.
I have tried to find a company to do this for us, but either they do not do residential properties or they charge a zillion dollars to just barely mess about some leaving a bit of mulch behind.
Today we spread out almost half of our shipment of mulch.
I no longer order mulch in raw bulk form to be simply dropped onto my property by a dump truck (much cheaper and far more efficient, but an enormous amount of work that must be completed in short order) and then spread by hand where it needs to go. I just can not do it anymore.
I order from (this time Home Depot) a big box store and have them drop a pallet of bags of "comfort" for our plants.
It makes sense! The bags are so much easier to negotiate, not needing a wheel barrow.
I have to admit, it costs more and it is still a lot of work, but we can stop working when we want, with just bags. There's no giant hill of stuff to deal with, just a small stack of easily maneuverable product.
But, it still kicked all our shiny asses. It may not seem like all that much work, but we also had some neglected preparation work to do in order to make it all come out right. Lots of trimming and raking we failed to do in the fall. And I thought we did good last November.
I'm tired!
Forty five more bags to go and that pallet is done.
Sorry, but I forgot to mention, it was just under three hundred bucks to have seventy five, three cubic foot bags of product dropped at our home.
The fun has begun! Spring is here.