While I was gone, my wife invaded my privacy.

I made an agreement with the entire family that the music room is mine and all others must fuck off. (I put it differently during the negotiation stage.)
Today she she violated that agreed upon edict. I have made the mistake of allowing my daughter to put some plants in there. I fucked up with that nonsense. Because, I like plants.
However, my wife came in and moved my speakers and put plants in places that I can not tolerate. She said I was not doing enough, but the speakers go where I decide the speakers go, End of story. It is MY MUSIC ROOM!!
So now, no more Mr. Nice Guy! All plants the fuck out, no one enters and no one touches anything, most especially my speaker positions.
All non music items are evicted and only my stuff goes in MY MUSIC ROOM!
She will awaken from her nap with all those non music items else-the-fuck-where and I am reclaiming my territory.
I did not want it to be this way, but hey, a gauntlet was thrown down. She felt like I was not doing enough to make the room ... hers? BULLSHIT!!!
My speakers go where I decide my speakers go!! End of story!!
She may not get how close my speakers are to me compared to already having many women act this way. Those women are in my past!
She needs to get a grip. My room is MY room! Do not move my shit!!
... and no more fucking plants, since that may be what created this kerfuffle between us.