More waiting by the phone for call backs for me today.
Not my best "event."
I feel I am wasting my time. One appraiser increased the net worth on this property by twenty thousand, which could help, but to enter this volatile market we need to be seeing multiples of tens of thousands or we are going to be severely over a barrel!
Kind of thinking, either we are already too screwed or all effort toward a larger settlement might be in vane.
Contacted a lawyer whose office building is being taken by a similar process, elsewhere. Maybe kindred spirits working together can eventually reign?
Doubt it, but it seems I have chosen the right law firm, maybe.
But in addition to all that "normal for these times" SHITE, I have had to help my wife change ALL her passwords on all her devices, because she was hacked somehow and we now have fraudulent charges to our accounts reaching nine thousand bucks at last count. FUCK FUCK FUCKITY FUCK!!
I was hoping to just enjoy this fabulous fall weather.