Gardening, although the reason for all this has changed.
I mentioned that this property in which we dwell has been condemned through local Eminent Domain appropriations. The city has yet to settle with us for an amount for our property, nor have they offered even a timeline for our concerns being addressed.
We have to move next year some time.
So, gardening this summer is all about finding ways to move the plants I would like to keep. Pot some up as shoots or more mature specimens, depending upon the type of plant and growing patterns, leave some in the ground, but root prune to make the move less stressful.
I have a classic hydrangea of City Tour quality growing in my front yard. Last year I was going to divide it up so I could spread it around. So two years ago I did a massive root pruning process, effectively dividing this huge plant into six "quarters" and it is really kicking ass this year. So much growth, mainly from the pruning I believe.
I plan to take a couple of two foot diameter balls of this plant with me. Can't do anything with my prized Japanese maples; been in the ground too long.
Still having fun in the garden, just with an adjusted view of what to do next and what to put off.
Tits would be good about now.