Still kind of tweaking out the garage.
Over the past three days, I have built two, four door "pantry style" cabinets into a cubby, next to our freezers. Now I can take some of the "in the way most of the time" things from under our inside cabinets and store them out of "harms way," so to speak.
Such things as all my canning equipment, my too many ironware pieces, the extra three hundred plus big ass knives we rarely use, my two extra coffee presses, my small collection of hand coffee grinders, meat grinders and sausage things, my growing collection of tea pots, etc. I seem to have room left over, so some impervious to cold things can go out there as well, such as extra sugar, flour, rice, grains, dry detergents and extra baking cookware.
I am now very glad that I made them so large and even more glad that I made two!