Started a Kung-Fu class with Amber since she's concerned about going to the YMCA alone after "he who is not to be named" acted like an asshole last week. Glad I did, I actually enjoy this class, the mental discipline and focus I really do need!
I took Kung Fu, akido and jujitsu for many years. No longer training, just trying to maintain agility. Tough at our age.
I started the kids in MMA classes when they were six (minimum age was five) and they did that for about nine years, each. Can not seem to get either one to even stretch or kick any more, though. Still block really well. That is more than half of self defense - do not get hit.
I have restrained myself for awhile, but, now I need to speak out. Take your phony Bonhomie and shove it up your your ass. I despise your magatard ass for all that you represent about what is wrong with America right now. Everything is about you....I could care less...I've had my fill of sociopaths and the like. I do what is right for my daughter AND my wife. You....are insignificant and not worth my time. I have been ignoring you for the last few times...but, like callaway, you seem clueless or uncaring about how others feel about you. Anyway, goodbye and I will never address you again. But, hey, your in "good" company! 
Wow, some of that was not very clear.
I only have one retort, though and since you are not going to read this, I am doing so just for myself, as you have concluded.
My wanting to bury old hatchets is real and trying to talk to old "enemies" is a first step.
One more point. If you are putting me with Callaway as good company, I'll take it, gladly.
Since this is "Goodbye," I want to wish you, Carla and Amber the best of times and many successes.
Peace, out.