Author Topic: What have you done today? (Pt 2)  (Read 276295 times)

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9270 on: October 03, 2018, 09:46:35 PM »
"You know what's more destructive than a nuclear bomb?"

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9271 on: October 03, 2018, 10:09:44 PM »
Even illegible ones? :laugh:

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9272 on: October 03, 2018, 11:18:36 PM »
Also, the text in your avatar is illegible. What does it say?

It's been reshaped somehow when I set it as my avatar.
“When men oppress their fellow men, the oppressor ever finds, in the character of the oppressed, a full justification for his oppression.” Frederick Douglass

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9273 on: October 04, 2018, 04:01:27 AM »
Thank gawd I'm too pretty for work.  :zoinks:

You know how much you HATE having your front knocked on? Well, maybe it is just me, but I hate that shit. Random people stopping by should be a fucking crime.

So, yesterday afternoon I was sitting watching my severalth re-watch of the entire Game Of Thrones series when I get a very powerful, aggressive knock at my door. Of course, "All Is Lost" at that point and so I pause and taking an aggressive stance I open the door.
DAMN! There is a lovely forty something tallish blonde at my door smiling at me.

You know that sound a balloon makes when you let the air out slowly from pinching the opening? That is kind of where all my defensive aggression went. I tried NOT to make that sound, but I might have a little.

The visit was warranted because some piece of paper was not signed when we got my wife's car last week and it was necessary. Their fault, not ours - they told us what to sign.

Anyway, "Too pretty for work" reminded me of her. She was quite attractive and immediately disarming. Maybe the too pretty thing is just why she was perfect for the job she was doing - an hour after the place closed, going from door to door in early evening shoring up paper work problems that someone else created.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 04:05:30 AM by DirtDawg »
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9274 on: October 04, 2018, 04:40:24 AM »
Worked on the first floor bathroom.

I'll see you and raise you one floor.

BIL came up and helped him replace the leaky tub faucet and plumbing for the shower in the second floor bathroom yesterday, I'm still cleaning up the mess today.

Had to cut out half the damn wall in the closet of the adjoining room but finally figured out why we've had shitty water pressure from the shower head for the last 35+ years.

When you're teaching your sons how to build houses and leave them alone, w/beer... and they run out of elbows.

How that didn't bust in all those years is beyond me.

I get creative at times with repairs but thats just :zombiefuck:

How many times have you needed a ninety and only had one forty five, sawed a wedge out and re-soldered it (the wedge makes a fabulous patch after a touch or two with a hammer) to finish a job without another trip to the store?
Hey it is way better than that shit.
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9275 on: October 04, 2018, 04:58:39 AM »
Also, the text in your avatar is illegible. What does it say?

It's been reshaped somehow when I set it as my avatar.
Thinking that's because it's web linked. Saving the image to one's computer and then uploading will prevent it from being distorted.

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9276 on: October 04, 2018, 08:08:18 AM »
In reply to 'even illegible ones....?'

Two words: 'donald' and 'trump'

'Nuff said.

And hey, if his garbled schpiels of imbecility, horse shit and sabre-rattling are insufficient, then I have two more. 'George' and 'Bush'.

As for the pretty young lady, not impossible at all that was the reason she gets sent. Because if it had been a pudgy, balding 40-something old git with snaggle-teeth, lazy and with an attitude problem, then if DD didn't hit him in the jowels with a tyre iron, then somebody probably would, sooner or later :P And he'd doubtless frequently get told 'well this is your problem, not mine, so why don't you take that shit back with you, lie on your back, with your legs in the air and use those forms to tickle your prostate, you fat, obnoxious, irritating little tosspot, before I decide you would be better off with your head being used to clean stray skid marks out of my toilet bowl'

Possibly even  daily :P

People aren't all civilized. NT ones aren't even USUALLY so. Hell a sizeable proportion  of them probably couldn't even be litter-box trained and housebroken. (maybe that should just read 'and house....', given that they are already broken. At best....unfinished, and  very rough around the edges  :tard: )

So its probably just as well to send someone even the crude, uncivilized, likely drunken arseholes would limit themselves in terms of such revolting behaviour to staring at their chest, rather than going looking for a hammer, a hacksaw, a roll of duct tape and about 50 liters of drain unblocker [It is not infrequently H2SO4, of the surprisingly high, for OTC materials, concentration of between 96 and 98-99%. I use it all the time, not for dissolving unwelcome house callers in the bathtub mind you, but for drying gases, when soaked into fiberglass and packed into a glass demijohn with multi-holed stoppers in the top attached to glass tubing, for scrubbing ammoniacal fumes, usually from generating ammonia from, conveniently enough, ammonium sulfate fertilizer by adding strong caustic soda to liberate the ammonia, the bits of NH3 that need scrubbing to prevent their egress into the surrounding atmosphere, being run through sulfuric drain cleaner soaked into glass wool (the rockwool is to serve as an absorbent, rather than bubbling the gas through liquid sulfuric and thus preventing suckback that could have disastrous consequences of a very, very ugly sort), and thus returning the waste ammonia back to the form in which it was originally, the sulfate salt, which is then simply recycled for generating more ammonia, making it quite a lot more economical :)

(also useful as a filling for my desiccator, which is made of glass and as such won't be attacked  by the drying agent, which is kept away from the sample being dried, simply sitting underneath it with a grid of stiff metal meshwork above, to support whatever it is that is being dried out, since H2SO4 is not volatile, unless one subjects it to high vacuum; as long as one isn't dealing with oleum, which in any case wouldn't be used by any chemist in their right mind as a desiccant, as for one, it is most difficult to buy, for another, its highly dangerous, corrosive, vicious stuff, which IS volatile, or the extra SO3 dissolved in the H2SO4 is, giving off some most unpleasant fumes, in large quantity. And besides, SO3 is rather difficult to prepare and is very useful indeed, for making things like SOCl2, SOBr2, dimethyl or diethyl sulfate and other things besides. (the former two, thionyl chloride and thionyl bromide respectively are both halogenating agents, for easy, very quickly chlorinating or brominating things, or drying out anhydrous transition metal lewis acid halide salts from the hydrates, something which cannot be done using heat, as they would decompose instead; and great stuff for chlorination/brominations,

Because they are very fast to react, and if it is an equilibrium reaction, then the decomposition products are sulfur dioxide plus the corresponding hydrogen halide gas; both of which escape out of the reaction vessel to wherever it is one chooses to lead them away, which removes them from the system and pushes the equation towards the right, thus driving the reaction to completion.. The other two are highly potent alkylating agents. Extremely toxic, and highly carcinogenic in the event somebody is exposed to either and somehow survives the original exposure, but they ARE effective, and less costly  to prepare than are methyl iodide or ethyl iodide. Which can be a bit tough for people to get hold of if they aren't in 'officialdom' as officially-sanctioned, recognized sheeple because while iodine isn't so hard to get, the alcohols definitely aren't difficult, one also needs a catalytic quantity of red phosphorus to act as a halogen transfer agent via in-situ formation of phosphorus halides. And red phosphorus IS hard to get, one of the hardest of all reagents to obtain perhaps/

It's right up there with nitroethane, concentrated hydrogen peroxide and even harder to get than inorganic hydrides like LAH, NaH, KH and  the like due to it's use for small scale mom-and-pop type meth cooking, Never mind that that represents only a tiny fraction of methamphetamine production in the US,  with hundreds of kg to TONS or even tens of tons being brewed up over  the border  in mexico by the big cartels, and which are  unlikely to even be USING the red phosphorus/iodine based Nagai reduction of pseudoephedrine or ephedrine, and are much more probably going to go via synthesis of P2P  (phenylacetone) followed by reductive amination  using methylamine instead, along with reducing agent of choice, like catalytic hydrogenation with palladium or platinum on carbon, or cheaper by far, using Raney nickel or Urushibara nickel.

But still, its watched as all fuck (red P), I'm very, very lucky to be  able to get in kg quantities, rather than maybe if lucky, many people having to buy tiny little element collector's samples, weighing a gram or so a piece)

As for me today, went to the doctor, ended up being given some additional pain meds, on a temp basis, plus antibiotics for an infection near my shoulder. Not a serious one, but all the same, I have an excessive vulnerability to bacterial infections, for some unknown reason.  Something weird happened at the appointment too. Doctor told me that they'd gotten a message sent through to them by one or other of the receptionists; who had claimed that I had for several weeks, been demanding that they put antibiotics on my prescription repeats, which the doc initially got pissed that I had 'done', because of course, it is both stupid and dangerous not only to the patient in particular, but to society on a wider scale to do so, barring in the rare cases of certain genetic syndromes which have no cure and involve an immunodeficiency resuting in their having to be on continual prophylactic antibiotic regimes for the duration of their lives, if they wish to live, and people on immunosuppressants for example, transplant recipients.

Thing is, I never MADE any such request to begin with, I don't know why the hell anyone at reception would send such a message, and  indeed, I got given an AB script, for erythromycin at the beginning of this week. I hadn't asked for it, suggested or even mentioned it, or for that matter antibiotics in general, at all. Had wondered what the bloody hell it was doing in that scripts refill, just hadn't really had any inclination to begin a forensic hunt for the reason, since after all, I had come down with a minor infection so would have had to request an AB script in any case. It was there, for whatever odd reason but as chance had it it appeared at just the
time when I needed it anyway. So  hunting down the reason was quite pointless. And in any case I certainly had not a clue that some receptionist had been telling tall tales at the time. Not until about 25 minutes  ago  while  I was at the  appointment I had made.

And oddly too, as aside from the seizure rescue pack needed and pain meds, given some had been wasted by trying to take the dose only to have it come straight back up again, thanks to a really nasty bout of stomach troubles and barfing, the meds I was short, the doctor, although berating me for it, unfairly IMO, although eventually she did see the point that if a patient has by some kind of negligence, or abuse, etc. gone through too fast, or lost (outside of being robbed of them of course) their meds, that is their fault, and their problem, but that, as I pointed out, the gut is smooth muscle, and whilst the body has voluntary muscles under their control, that is striated muscle, and that neither cardiac, nor smooth muscle is under the control of a patient, ergo-such a reason for loss, is not an action they have taken, but rather, an event which has taken place which affects them, which they have no physical bodily say-so in whether it happens or not. Its either going to happen or it isn't. So if it is and does, then there is not a damn thing they can do about it, no more than I could will my heart to stop beating, or decide that hey, today when I breathe, my diaphragm is allowed only to inflate and deflate my left lung, as  I've commanded the right lung not to move when I breathe.

She did at least, see the sense in the fact that it isn't somebody's fault if their autonomic nervous  system forces their body to behave contrary to their wishes. And that of course, it isn't as though I actually WANTED to throw up repeatedly all night, or that  I LIKE having seizures.

Although I thought it a bit much she had a fair go at me to begin with for requesting more meds, to cover me for a few days (until monday), including one remark I found way over the top. She said, being pissy, that 'she has  no proof that I have been vomiting'

Quite what the FUCK is THAT meant to mean, or imply? of course I didn't bring her proof that I've been throwing up! what exactly is it, that she would expect me to do? go through the bins, through all the slimy, gone-off kitchen wastes, until I managed to locate a partially dried out horked-up, slimy, blackened and stinking wad of stomach contents dripping bile; pick it up (you must be fucking having me on, doc, because there is no way in all hell that I would be about to do that, and then to get a spoon, and spoon mangy moldy decaying vomit, and maybe a lump of semidigested jamaica ginger cake on top, into a tupperware container or plastic freezer bag [since there's bloody well no motherfucking chance that I'd put such a vile article into any of my lab beakers! eww!]

Its the implication, which I am going to assume that she is; being an NT etc., making, that I should be prepared at all times to have PROOF of any vomiting, because otherwise, it might be false, thus implying I could be a liar. That is offensive_

And besides, if I HAD taken such odious measures, to BRING her proof? the doctor's office is somewhere which needs to be a clean and sanitary place because of the nature of the very reason for being of the place and the profession of those working in it and tending to those who need themselves treated thence! so it seems like if I don't dig through the bins, whilst feeling like shit, find a region of mostly stomach contents crawling with fungus and worse, then I might be a liar, and if I DID do so? then I do not for a second doubt that she would have gone ballistic at me for bringing the very proof that she berated me for not having.

Which to me, strikes me as damn well unfair. To blame a man for an involuntary occurrence, which for that matter, made that man suffer, and put them in a negative situation, leaving them short of meds they need, and to demand proof which would have been unreasonable for them to look for in the first place, and to boot, that is unsanitary and disgusting, and most certainly not material which should be taken into a clinic.
If a patient says they have been vomiting, then that patient has been vomiting. Unless they be officially diagnosed with  Munchausen's, then their word is  truth until proven otherwise. And given one cannot prove  a negative  (I.e, whilst there is no evidence whatsoever to support god exists, one cannot actually provide incontrovertible, absolute PROOF that a deity does not in fact, exist anywhere in the universe to a level of reliability such that it may be then taken evermore as axiomatic), then what the patient reports, goes, end  of.

Although at least in one respect she screwed up. I said I might be down one, or  possibly; two tablets of nitrazepam (a strong, very hypnotic-type benzodiazepine tranquilizer. Long acting, potent and with a  real bugger of a kick to it), but that I was not sure, and that I had merely glanced at the blister strip in leaving the  house. She wrote a script for 7 pills of the stuff. Even though I said I didn't even know for sure if I was down, as I was in a hurry leaving the house to get to the appointment. Turned out I actually had one extra, when I got back home, as I don't take benzos daily, hell no! the prescription says to take one twice a day, but instead I'll use a few, once every while, and for at most, a few days in a row, usually no more than two days running, three if I must, and that, not anywhere anywhere NEARanywhere NEARNEAR daily. Its a lot safer that way, and in any case, taking just one or two, morning and late evening wouldn't be of a great deal of use. I'm naturally pretty resistant to being benzo-ed out cold. Takes a pretty hefty dose, anAlthough at least in one respect she screwed up. I said I might be down one, or  possibly; two tablets of nitrazepam (a strong, very hypnotic-type benzodiazepine tranquilizer. Long acting, potent and with a  real bugger of a kick to it), but that I was not sure, and that I had merely glanced at the blister strip in leaving the  house. She wrote a script for 7 pills of the stuff. Even though I said I didn't even know for sure if I was down, as I was in a hurry leaving the house to get to the appointment.

Turned out I actually had one extra, when I got back home, as I don't take benzos daily, hell no! the prescription says to take one twice a day, but instead I'll use a few, once every while, and for at most, a few days in a row, usually no more than two days running, three if I must, and that, not anywhere NEAR daily. Never bloody well mind TWICE daily!,

 Its a lot safer that way, and in any case, taking just one or two, morning and late evening wouldn't be of a great deal of use. I'm naturally pretty resistant to being benzo-ed out cold. Takes a pretty hefty dose, and one most doctors would turn pale at the thought of, and of one of the strongest benzosd one most doctors would turn pale at the thought of, and of one of the strongest benzos which the UK medical system has the capability to offer a patient to pull that off. But that, infrequently, when really needed is how benzos should be prescribed anyway, epilepsy treatment liable to be lifelong not withstanding.

Still, I am not saying a word to them about either the repeat. Or the 7 extra ones given today, I'll just keep them for whenever I really do need them, to have some spares of  something  extremely difficult to get at all because of GP prejudice against that type of med in general, it isn't a bad thing. Rather have more than I need than less, or worse, none at all.

When there has been just 'one of those days', the kind of thing like Elle mentioned, when she spoke of forgetting to take them when she ought to have used one, one of THOSE days, the kind where everything that can go wrong, has, and when anything that needs absolutely to go right, hasn't and won't. The kinds of days that from the very first attosecond, hate your very existence with a vitriolic, poisonous loathing  generally reserved by people for the likes of gary glitter, michael jackson, rolf harris or tony  blair. Definitely the kind of day that its not one that it should wait for an appointment made at 8am sharp at the surgery door and up, dressed and out of bed half an hour before that; but one in which one should have the box or bottle there, tip a few  out, chew and swallow. Problem solved. Wake up 15 hours later.

(yes, I chew the nitrazepam pills  up, because they taste all nice  and  minty :laugh: )
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9277 on: October 04, 2018, 10:04:04 AM »
programmed a replacement remote for the TV.
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9278 on: October 04, 2018, 01:13:26 PM »
Devoured with gusto the last of the Green Beans harvested!  And they were delicious!
"Some books are to be tasted.  Others to be swallowed.  And some few to be chewed and digested."  --Sir Francis Bacon

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9279 on: October 04, 2018, 03:44:39 PM »

SHIT, we got about a hundred more bulbs placed well before it just seemed stupid to be out in the rain.

Not raining now, but I am tired and I am going to watch a movie with the kids.  We have not seen Deadpool 2 yet. 
That is what we are going to do, but for now I am planning a "carpet picnic"  for dinner which these days means getting out the table top grille (uses one of those blue fired cans to get hot, mostly safe - ish) and cutting a few coldcuts of ham and turkey and chicken and slicing some cheese and thawing some shrimp and scallops from our deep freeze.
Large platter of various crackers and a couple of dips and we are in business.

Probably better for the younglings than more digging.
Sometimes, I just fucking rock!
Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9280 on: October 04, 2018, 03:47:08 PM »

I kind of feel guilty giving up, but I am tired and my back is warning me to stop digging before bad things go worse.

Jimi Hendrix: When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. 

Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The end result of life's daily pain and suffering, trials and failures, tears and laughter, readings and listenings is an accumulation of wisdom in its purest form.

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9281 on: October 04, 2018, 05:30:54 PM »
 Tackled cleaRing the side yard of vegetation.  Mostly finished, just a goodly number of runners and the margin where I shoved the pullings.  Tomorrow I'll finish pulling and bag everything. It is about a 120 to 150 square foot (11 to 14 square metres).

Found a few patches of oyster mushrooms, so I might cook them.  I immediately thought of Lestat.  I left them outside and I'll get them tomorrow.
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9282 on: October 08, 2018, 03:14:30 AM »
LOL QV. And I immediately had a mental image of super-fresh, really tender oyster mushrooms sizzling in a frying pan with a knob of melting butter, a pinch  of  salt, and an assorted mixture of cut-up wild mushrooms surrounding a couple of sausages, with a couple  more pans frying eggs, and heating baked beans  whilst triple-layered bacon sliced hiss and spit under the  grill. 

Presumably it was me you thought of because I'm our resident enthusiastic mushroom hunter (and occasionally, grower-I'd be interested in any spore prints you could take for me QV. Not entirely certain that shop mushrooms aren't sterile strains, due to oyster mushrooms being a potential plant pathogen. IIRC its forbidden to export them to new zealand, where they aren't a native species, because of this. It isn't to send them here mind  you, as  we already have them growing natively, and I just don't think, that while one can find them in most supermarkets, the ones that are stored in plastic tubs  on supermarket shelves, they  are nowhere near as  good as  the wild ones. Plus supermarkets generally put the biggest ones  they can in the packs, bigger meaning more time to grow, meaning older. And  more full of water, flabbier. They just can't compete with nice young fresh ones sliced from the tree while you're out picking and cooked the moment you arrive back home or to a campsite with a nice selection of other wild fungi to add to the fryup, simple bacon, eggs, sausages, chips'n'beans. Or steak, and I can make a pretty damn good mushroom chili too (its still got meat in it, base of chick peas, kidney beans, chunks of steak, mince beef, and a can of tomato in tomato juice, blended until its a uniform slurry, plus a special spice blend I came up with.

Are you the sort of hunter who has a few species they know well and stick to, or are you the adventurous type who'll try most things that are not poisonous, or that are poisonous, unless treated in specific ways before they can be consumed (I have a few that need special preparation,  one I  use a LOT in spice and condiments which must be heat-cured and brought to dryness over a long time and very low flame, which converts a neurotoxin present into a psychoactive drug, if large quantities of the simple heat cured dried caps were used. Although for the use as  a spice, one only needs a little, a surface dusting over a steak, from a pinch or two between thumb and finger, and or  spoonfuls in a  pot, after  grinding in a spice grinder with quite a lot of other ingredients, when cooking my chili, the  amounts that go in are much less, in terms of a serving than would be used as an intoxicant. Another, called the Blusher, its related to the first, the fly agaric, both being Amanita species, a genus which requires extreme caution if any species  in the genus are to be consumed, some require special preparation before they become edible, whilst there are two overall groups, which can be among the deadliest fungi on the planet, namely the those in stirps phalloidinea of the genus Amanita, not all of them are, but belonging to this subgroup is a bad sign, and unless known edible and known to be well so, should never be eaten if unknown, because this group within Amanita, contain some real horrors, such A A.phalloides, A.ocreata, A.virosa, A.verna and many others that contain a series of small cyclic peptide cytotoxins (ranging in size from octapeptides in the case of amatoxins, the primary bad actors of the group, through to heptapeptides in the case of phallotoxins, and IIRC the virotoxins, found in A.virosa, probably in its close relative A.verna, the fool's mushroom, or hence its latin name, the spring amanita, a very rare species differing from A.virosa particularly in the different reaction when the two species are tested with strong caustic potash solution, A.verna giving a color change from the natural pure, ghostly white to yellow when 20% KOH in water is  applied to the cap, whilst A.virosa, the destroying angel gives IIRC either an orange-yellow colouration or little  coloration. This could be due to very similar species having been compared for A.virosa vs A.verna of course), while the othewise similar naturally white colour morph of the death cap, Amanita phalloides, A.phalloides var.alba can be told apart from either of the two without needing to use the microscope, in the field by the way that neither the cap, or the gills react in any way with 20% potassium hydroxide)

The subsection Phalloidea, contains about the nastiest of  fungi, the cyclopeptide toxins, after a characteristic (a critical diagnostic piece of information in fact, although it can be masked, if someone has eaten a mixed collection of mushrooms including others with gastrointestinal irritant type poisons present) delay, cause first a horrendously violent GI upset. before the patient tends to feel better after a couple of days or so, which can lead to their being discharged from hospital,  after which they become critically ill (as they will IN hospital of course) with fulminant liver failure, along with it attacking the kidneys and potentially heart, buggering up electrolyte balances in the blood, and causing hepatic encephalopathy (swelling of the brain due to effects of the liver failure and the problems with electrolyte balances)  Mortality from as little as one bite of one mushroom can be from 50% with aggressive treatment, an improvement over what would otherwise be 90%. Which is about the same chance of survival a patient infected by the Zaire (the worst of the lot) strain of the Ebola virus has. Often as not, even with what would without treatment in hospital, have been insufficient weight of fresh mushroom [fatal dose is around 50g, just one bite can easily kill a grown man), whilst survived, still leads to permanent liver damage and kidney damage. Transplants are frequently required by people unfortunate to ID these and relatives as edible species of mushroom)

As for my garden, most everything has withered away with the beginning of winter, so I'll wait until the spring to do any gardening, let the cold kill any weeds for me so I don't have to make the effort. But I'd like to try and get the belladonna seed I  have (two varieties, the typical kind, with purple flowers and berries, and a much rarer sort, from someone I  now have lost contact with from AFF, who sent the seed to me from OZ, which  has white-cream coloured  flowers and AFAIK similar colouration of the ripe berries) Obviously not something I'd grow if there were kids in the house, but any kids not mine, who run off into a random person's garden and start stuffing random berries in their mouths, and when it happens to be deadly nightshade, what can I say, too bad. But darwin would have gotten them no matter what, given time.

As for me, went to the docs  surgery, picked up repeats, went to the early-opening (8am, same as the surgery opens,  the only pharmacy open so early around these  parts.), took some of the meds in question. Got online finally, because we've  changed internet provider, who have been way, way slower than they claimed they would be, for one, and  for another, stupid fuckers sent a message saying 'don't try to connect to the router until we have sent  you a text confirmation'

Which the stupid fucking bastards didn't do. They EMAILED  instead. Thats right....they emailed to tell us that  we could now turn on our router again. Bloody idiots.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2018, 04:08:32 AM by Lestat »
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9283 on: October 08, 2018, 09:54:06 AM »
Had a meeting in Stockholm. Now at the airport on my way back home, doing as little as possible.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #9284 on: October 19, 2018, 11:04:03 PM »
I've spent my day watching the Lost In The 50's auction live online.
Goodness some people have too much money. Some of the stuff isn't even genuinely vintage.
The bog boobied mannequin I was looking at is already up to $800, and that's just the online pre-bidding!
Aside from that I'm watching an '87 model Corvette.