Well I finished it, successfully I might add, first time with this new nanotech method and it worked like a charm. A slight pink discoloration (this appears to be rather common with amphetamine, and is quite possibly due to the salting, and how precise it was. I just added a couple of drops of conc. sulfuric to the upper layer after salting it out with caustic base, and it was the portion that was't immediately crystallized, but rather, remained in contact with the acidified layer for longer that turned a pinkish colour in some areas of the dried material.
But the portion that was prepared in isopropanol and subjected to short-path distillation of part of the isopropanol solvent, and subsequently crashed out with anhydrous acetone, dried for several hours over 3A molecular sieves, it just started falling out in a snow-white flurry, like a snowglobe, absolutely perfect colouration, snow white sulfate falling out after the acetone crash, and leaving it in the fridge for a bit to settle, the pink stuff, it was just the portion that couldn't be rapidly stripped and was left to dry in the air, with a little water present.
Going to need more copper (II) chloride and ASAP. This copper nanoparticle based method, I'm liking it already. No noxious mercury slops that are a nightmare to work up, a nightmare to clean and a nightmare to recycle or dispose of the toxic waste left behind, no need for multiple distillations under hard vacuum to purify amphetamine freebase before transfer to a little isopropanol dried over quicklime (calcium oxide) adding the appropriate quantity of sulfuric acid, and finally giving it a crash with anhydrous acetone which has been cooled in a cryogen mix bath to below zero (the acetone crash works by virtue of the fact that the product is soluble in isopropanol, but is not soluble in acetone, so by diluting the solvent the product is dissolved in once it has been worked up and purified, it forces the goods out of solution, and it quite literally crashes out right before your eyes.
Finished the work at about 7-8AM, had a taste, and after, maybe four little bumps insufflated, and its nearly half 2 pm now, and the time has just flashed by without my noticing it.
In fact I'd be working on something else, the preparation of some white fuming nitric acid via distillation of a nitrate salt and concentrated sulfuric, for dissolving copper, as the other acids I have, atm, HCl, H3PO4, H2SO4, not sure about HI2Cl, I've done nothing with this weird arsed hydrohalic acid bastard child of HI and HCl...two iodine atoms and one chlorine in a hydrohalic acid..what the fuck...but apparently iodine monochloride does hydrolyze that way. And sulfamic acid again I'm not sure of. Citric acid sure won't do. But I do know copper is rapidly and effectively attacked by nitric acid, due to its powerfully oxidizing nature. And using fine copper dust with a very high surface area, it should dissolve easily, giving off rather noxious, toxic NOx fumes, so gas mask needed and good ventilation and air extraction needed as well.
I kinda wanted to do the distillation and produce the nitric acid, subject the red fuming nitric (it builds up NOx fumes over time, and can shatter bottles due to pressure evolution if not regularly vented, so white fuming nitric is far more desirable and nicer to handle than RFNA) But I can forgive myself as it isn't laziness, even with the phet pushing me, my back is sore, from sitting at a really uncomfortable little plastic bench, wrong height, no back support, and I'm aching all over my back now because of it, and staying up for all day, all night working away. I've done my share of work for now. Anything that doesn't involve stretching out over the sofa can bugger off:heisenberg:
Just going to spend today kicking back, lazing on the sofa playing heavy industrial metal and enjoying the fruits of my labours