Went to the bank and turned in fifty one rolls of "useless" half dollars. I am telling you guys, this shit works!
I did not get through the entire stack of one hundred rolls of US half dollars this weekend, but going through seventy rolls, I struck silver.
I have been doing this since the eighties, but only recently understood that you have to challenge the bank by buying MANY rolls of coins to find anything, these days.
I gleaned a sizable amount of silver, though. I still have thirty rolls to bust open. The farther down into the stack I go, the older the rolls seem to be. I had one dated '83. Those seem to be very productive.
Spot price of silver has gone down, sadly, in the past two months - since the last time I did this. I plan to sit on nineteen rolls for a bit, until the price peaks up again.
So, I invested a bit of my time (I was actually slow-smoking a huge ham while I had the dining table scattered with filthy coins ) and one thousand dollars. I am not done yet, but so far I found 121 - 40% silver and 69 - 90% silver coins.
I do a quick bit of arithmetic, using (my computer calculator app and) today's spot price of silver and I have kept just under nineteen rolls of silver (one hundred ninety dollars) and today's spot price will pay about six hundred forty bucks at a silver broker.
This shit works guys, but you have to make the bank work. Buy a large quantity of coin at once and make them dig to meet your order. I know we used to be able to buy three or four rolls and find a silver coin in every roll, but everyone else has already done this. Make the bank work!
Two hundred per cent profit on a three day investment is something EVERY drug dealer would love to do.