Well, there are far worse sins, on the grand scale of things than snoring. I've been working through them...kinda...poke-sin, gotta commit 'em all. And I've probably broken most if not all of the ten commandments if that counts.
Stone tablets...shiny trading cards, I see a parallel there

Adultery is the only one that doesn't appeal to me. Well unless shagging animals is in there somewhere. That doesn't much appeal to me either, and I swore off it after my last NT ex girlfriend. Although I did see this golden retriever that....
No, kidding of course. Ick. I don't think some people quite realized what was intended when asked 'could you go for a hot dog now?'
I have cheated on someone, twice in my life. Once when I was just a kid, and the second, it was with that NT ex gf I mentioned, she was fucking AWFUL, absolutely no redeeming features, not even looks. I don't remember how or why I ever agreed ever to see her again when introduced to her. She was the bloody pits. And then in came cazzie, the classic autie brunette nuclear fireball of a woman, the younger of the ex fiancees, the one I miss every day, and will until the end of my life, the girl who really didn't mess around when she came on to me, if thats the right word for what she did by way of err...introduction???
She just charged on in there, and took over. I left the other girl, but Cazzie had gotten off with me before she did, we hadn't slept together, after all it was in the middle of a forest and there were people around, and I hadn't got protection, otherwise, we probably would have, at least, it wouldn't surprise me one bit. Although without protection I could hardly do so with a 14yo girl, and create proof enough to land me in shit city. Otherwise, no. And I don't plan to either. I only get with people that I want to, because I love and value them, if I don't, then I wouldn't see whoever it is as being someone I should or would get with to begin with. And if I do, then of course I'm not going to do something like that.
Cazzie, she got me out of the relationship from hell that was more a ball and chain around my ankle than a girlfriend, and replaced it (and the then soon to be made ex formally speaking), with an absolutely STUNNING young woman, with the most amazing body, great personality and there was just this something about the prosody of her speech that for whatever reason, was really hot, she had this distinctive kinda spazzy way of speaking, especially when she would call my name when we'd meet up and go cannonballing into each other and wrap ourselves around each other, squeezing hard for all we were worth, when she spoke, she had this way of starting at a lower pitch and slowly rising, as well as drawing out and sort of stretching the words, sounded really speshul, I don't know why, but there was just something about her voice that I find completely irresistable. There is no WAY I could have said 'no' to her if she had actually asked me out, rather than marching in there and taking me for herself. With that voice of hers, one word, if she'd bothered to speak at all before she grabbed me and dragged me off to her cave, and I wouldn't have been able to help myself but to turn into a pile of jelly in her arms. All she had to do was talk, and I melted, her own name was enough to make me damn near fold at the knees.
Total knockout, so, yeah, I did then, to get out of a nightmare of a relationship. But I am not that sort of person. And the time as a kid I regret.
So, I think, snoring I could live with and overlook. Hell, I'm a deep sleeper. She could be in the habit of setting off M80s or pipe bombs in the back garden in the middle of the day and I still wouldn't wake up unless she was good enough to bring me along for the..festivities. Can make some awfully fun fireworks with a tank of acetylene, some candle wax, sodium or potassium chlorate, a little salt and a lot of finely powdered sugar, plus a little sulfur powder.
The way they rupture at the bottom, where the charge should be placed, and then the gas catches and explodes violently, launching the entire gas bottle high into the air, it is quite delightful. But it wouldn't wake me up. So I doubt I'd even notice her snoring