How did I know? well there are a lot of nee-growz in rural kentucky *attempts a really, REALLY southern, confederate territory drawling accent*
(this meant strictly in an ironic manner, not as an attack on your family, just joking around, didn't mean to set that one liner up to begin with, it just sort of..evolved and presented itself
*pauses to decide how to react.*
At least you said nee-growz.
*cracks a smile*
Well, as it turns out, the black-native side are from further south than Kentucky. and we got stories.
All the white folk are in kentucky. *sigh. we got stories there too.
Incidentally, the only chicken story I heard told was from my Pawpaw, who, thpugh living in kentucky, is 2nd generation, his family originating from germany. probably the only part of the family (both sides included) to have arrived after the civil war. the story is not very eventful: simply the manner in which he remembers his mother slaughtering chickens as a boy. "hang em upside down and then...."