Received some methadone bought recently. Just as well too, was here by the time I awoke from sleep, and immediately after taking a solid dose, ended up passing out (not due to the methadone, this was mere seconds to minutes after swallowing the tablets, this was due to blood pressure being low and getting up too quickly without compensating for the orthostatic hypotension caused by the myorelaxant I need to take for the otherwise permanent, and very painful indeed spasm in my calf muscle on one side, because of some failed knee surgery years ago, left me with nerve damage, stuff blocks noradrenaline release and its not only a muscle relaxer (and a bloody powerful one at that) but
it also causes blood pressure to plummet like one's stomach if told 'you have the ebola virus, and its the Zaire strain' [and by the way your wife and kids just got run over by a truck whilst coming to the hospital to see you]'
Got up too fast, barely awake, just had wriggled out from under the covers on the sofa and was still blinking at the nasty lights, so wasn't really thinking about 'best bend forward at the waist, holding on to something, and then straighten out, very, very slowly and carefully'. I was more thinking
'bloody hell's own teeth, do I ever need a PISS!' :spazz:
Long story short, made it just far enough to the stone floor of the walk-in shower and bog room for there to be a really hard landing, passed out cold and fell backwards, braining myself on the stone floor. Then went to A&E, to rule out any spinal or skull fracture, because the turning circle of my neck had been reduced to sod all (still is, I have to walk round in a circle on the spot to look anywhere that isn't forwards)
And of course that it hurts like a bastard. Very, very glad indeed that my methadone tablets arrived before I went the hospital, and were waiting for me on waking up. Because the 60mg of dihydrocodeine given me in the hospital itself wouldn't even stop me withdrawing from the regular pain meds I must take. The physeptone held me perfectly, and actually feeling rather nice, aside from the frequent twinging in my neck and the back of my skull if it touches anything or I accidentally bend my neck.
But, it did what it was meant to, and is helping to considerably reduce the pain. Not going to take the prescription dihydrocodeine 30s I was scripted (56 of them), aside from four I did take, since I have methadone, which is far stronger, and very long acting, and because as it happens I have been saving up boxes of the 7.5mg/500mg DHC/paracetamol OTC formulation because I require dihydrocodeine for a certain special reason. Something far grander and more interesting than dihydrocodeine. Its due to lose that 6' -OMe and have it replaced by a far prettier little lady by the name of 'ester'

So just as I had the need for several grams of dihydrocodeine, over 1.5g just came falling into my hands. Perfect. And at a time when I had plenty boxes of the OTC stuff too. Weak and full of paracetamol, but the water solubility of paracetamol is miniscule, and that of DHC, it is extremely soluble. The two can most easily be separated by means of addition of ice-cold water to the powdered tablets (the OTC kind with APAP in them) and then letting it settle, pouring the liquid through a filter in a fritted Buchner funnel, attached to a flask, followed by application of vacuum to the solids in the funnel to suck out the last of the dihydrocodeine dissolved in the water retained in the solids in the filter)
Works just fine. Strips all that nasty parashitamol out just nice and leaves one with a crystal-clear filtrate and the rubbish retained in the filter-cake, just ready for the filtrate to be basified and refined to crystalline solids prior to its...future assignment(s)
(apologies for the terrible chemist's pun on 'ester/esther', that was awful, I know, I know...but hey, at least I didn't make lewd jokes about Sn2 nucleophilic substitutions and 'convicted of nucleophilia', so I could have been filthy and done much worse :spazz:) eheheheh.
And last thing I've done up until now, is light a cigar, neck a few methadone pills, and fix the dictionary in firefox so it recognizes the words 'nucleophilic' 'nucleophile' 'electrophilic' and electrophile' because the damn thing kept trying to change them to 'nucleoside' and 'electroplate', and of course being a chemist, such words are required frequently.
What else...about to watch family guy and american dad on TV, once that noxious little mollusk 'keith lemon' has finished blathering bollocks unworthy of a tourettes-afflicted sewer rat born with brain damage so severe his autonomic functions are about the only thing functioning'. Celebrity juice, the show is, and it, as well as its presenter is an abomination, a defilement of the eyes, ears and brain. Fucking HATE that tosser, he is just...vapid, vile and completely, utterly mindless. I'm surprised he can shite and breathe at the same time, without using up so much of whatever vestigial neurological capacity he possesses, that his heart stops beating.
One can only hope.....

Everything about keith lemon, it just makes me want to thump him one. In the face. With a frying pan. A frying pan full of flesheating african driver-ants. And then throw him out of a speeding car into a concrete post laden with wasp nests. Guy is a repugnant little shit who should never have been born. His mother is the poster-child for legalization of antenatal abortion, even years after birth. Pencil-dicked ginger prick. He is...well his existence is just aggravating and needs to stop.
Given a chance...I'd stuff him headfirst into the oven, wrapped in tinfoil (well aluminium foil, since kitchen foil is not in actual fact, made out of tin) and then slow-roast him, leaving a crack in the door, so oxygen can get in and make sure he wouldn't suffocate first, that would be far too good for him

In short, he is a cunt, a prick, a wanker, arsehole, feculent mountain of rancid, fungating smegma without the right to embezzle the oxygen that other, perfectly disgusting, nasty ass child rapists, kitten-stomping animal abusers and the muggers and killers of little old lady pensioners for their last fifty pence. Completely without redeeming features of any kind, any way, shape or form, and fit only to be cast upon a landfill site and quickly buried beneath a tide of rotting garbage. Where he will of course, feel right at home.
Oh, and I don't like him, either.