This post is for Renaeden, since she wants to know what I'm doing in places I can't post.

I usually grocery shop on Sunday, but the store I shop is closed on Easter so I decided to shop on Saturday, because last year I didn't realize the store is closed for Easter and it totally ruined my week.
My day started a couple hours late because I woke up nauseous and with stomach cramps. The boy was sick last weekend, so I sat around for a while because I was worried my digestive track might decide to evacuate while I was out in public.
When I got to the store, I realized they had begun remodeling and the entire frozen section was closed down, so I left. I thought I knew where another Aldi is located, but it turns out I was wrong about that and so I spent a good half hour driving around looking for something I don't know where it is.
Finally I said screw it and went to walmart. I knew it would take me longer to maneuver a different store, so I started with the dry goods aisles. I kept overlooking things and getting distracted by all the choices, so after going through the dry aisles twice, I felt like I still didn't have half the stuff I wanted and was loosing track of what I did have and what I still needed.
I was going to start with the cold products, but when I entered the produce section I realized I didn't have any toilet paper or napkins because those things aren't actually in the grocery aisles. They were all the way at the back of the store and I had already been back there twice. So I was standing there in the produce section and I started having an anxiety attack.
It had stopped raining so the store was getting really packed at this point, I was thinking about toilet paper I don't really need, I was very thirsty because I was afraid to drink anything and I was thinking about how much more time I would need to spend in the store, I was thinking about how much time I had already been gone, I was thinking that people at home would start to worry about me soon and nobody knew where I was. So I walked away from my shopping cart and went home.
By this time it was almost one, so the day was half over and I didn't have a single grocery. When I got home I chilled out for a while, had something to drink, and googled where I cold find another Aldi store. I told mom my story and she offered to go back out with me, but I told her I would be fine, even though I got lost trying to find the store again anyway.
I finally got the groceries back to the house, then I spent the rest of the afternoon shopping online. TLDR: I spent the day completely spazzing.