Queen Victoria, that sounds horrible. *Big hugs*
Doesn’t seem right to me that they don’t legalize CBD oil. If I was those parents that were on the news, I’d obtain the stuff for the child, legal or not. I wouldn’t take pot for recreational purposes as I’ve heard what overdoing it does to people (who I knew). I rarely drink too, mainly stopped that because most alcoholic drinks are full of preservatives and I react to them. Might add vodka in a cocktail occasionally, again with the other ingredients not containing preservatives.
But even then, I only drink on special occasions cos I don’t like the idea of the alcohol messing with my brain. The only drugs I take are paracetamol and codeine (together). Never would touch anti-depressants or anything else like that. I understand not a lot of people have the choice though and very much need those drugs.
As for steroids, yes, be very careful with those. And any dermatologist who tells you that applying hydrocortisone cream to your face on a regular basis is fine, is a big fat liar.

I knew she was full of crap so I didn’t listen to her. It’s also a gigantic fucking lie when they say eczema has nothing to do with the food you eat. Biggest fucking bullshit I’ve ever heard. My skin is tons better since I cut out the stuff I’m allergic to. She was a bitch to me too, had a right attitude. Another thing to remember is that any professional (or any person) who makes themselves out to be better than you, is self-righteous or thinks knowing more than you means they can look down on you - they are rigid, bursting to the brim full of shit, and are in no way an authority on what you are allowed to do with your own fucking body, self, whatever. They are always full of shit and are still to be listened to, but not the only knowledge around there is as they make it out to be.