Can the straps be tightened, so they are less inclined to slip off, but she remains comfy?
If not, why not improvise, using something ideally, that would distribute the pull-weight when drawing the pedals upwards over as large a surface area as possible (to avoid any discomfort from a sort-of attenuated 'cheesewire' effect? like a slice of seatbelt, its strong and tough as hell (obviously it would be fuck all use if it broke easily) but it has a wide area, so would help her be more comfortable with it than with a narrower binding. Otherwise, why not try something like a long wrapping of rope, wrapped over the royal plates'o'meat and then the winding brought back underneath towards the middle for the knot?
Or, if all else fails, and would need to be replaced (not that its expensive, and of course she is worth the world:)) the solution to everything and anything that doesn't involve hitting an object or person. DUCT TAPE!!! wherever there is a problem that needs a quick fix-duct tape is it. It can stick things. It can strangle. It can gag annoying people. It can wax the hair from...wherever isn't the head, it can be rolled into a loose ball, covered in petrol, lit and thrown to make a revolting stench of burning plastic. You could hang someone with it from all manner of body parts, cover holes in long as you don't need to put a screw or a nail into something, or make sure kids are going to turn out properly autistic duct tape is perfect for it. You can even quieten and contain the mess of a glass window being broken where stealth is valuable. And whilst I haven't thought of any specifically, I am more or less certain that it could be used for multiple flavours of kinky

Hmm..there' one. You could roll it up and use it to choke or be choked during fucking/getting fucked; or even as an impromptu way to stick a piece of plastic bag over your finger(s) if somebody wants to be fingered up the chocolate starfish without ending up with a finger covered in something you really don't want your fingers covered in.
And just in case anyone was wondering, no those are none of them things I've ever thought of before in my life, and came up with on the spur of the moment. This is not an untruth. It is as true as the PR is adorably cute
Although I'd suggest in her case sticking (pun intended) to using some to more firmly attach the royal plates'o'meat to the bike pedals, assuming that shoes can be worn whilst using the bikes, since nobody (at least most people, usually) wouldn't want a strip of duct tape yanking off their uncovered skin suddenly (or slowly, actually slowly is worse. It hurts more if done quickly but only for a brief moment.
As for what I am doing, I'm playing fallout-tactics, brotherhood of steel and have just grabbed a handful of the bottles of xmas beer, opened one of them with the top-notch swiss army knife I got for xmas and am about to drain it dry in one big gulp, before I crack the next one, to drink at a slower pace. Real nice knife I got for xmas too, the usual tools, and high quality ones too, two blades, one long, one short, and both of them so sharp you can literally shave with either. I just did in fact. And gives a closer shave than a regular razor. Plus without a guard on it, the blades are just perfect for getting rid of those annoying hairs that grow at the angle between neck and lower mandible where the latter starts the upward curve to become the rest of that icon of incarnate gorgeousness that is my face:autism:
Just taken my pain meds, inc. some of the additional ones that my GP gave me today (gave me a week worth to last 4 days, because of late, even sitting has been really painful, and I've been having to walk, when I truly have to, to piss, shit, get food and drink to later piss and shit, non-respectively) and taken my antibiotics, about to take adrenal blockers and then my antiseizure med (the last AFTER my beer, since when the capsules open they kinda burn, but in a nice way, a kinda warming sting-burn in the throat if swallowed right so they sort of stick halfway down)
I do so hope the damn pain clinic gets to me soon though. They were meant to before xmas, after another GP assigned me priority status. As so far I am doing literally everything I can. Aside from taking paracetamol, as I don't respond to it at all for pain, only for reducing fever. For pain, even in hospital when given it through an IV dripline it did nothing whatsoever. And not taking oral NSAIDs, I can't, because of my stomach, not that even before my stomach issues, taking iboprofen, indomethacin, that stuff that comes in yellow tablets and has a name that starts with 'M'. Damn name is on the tip of my tongue but its stuck there. Flurbiprofen is better than most, although its rx-only (it has an additional slight cannabinoid type action) but still, I only use topical NSAIDs (diclofenac gel)