And you all too, FWM. I was just giving special xmas wishes to those here I know best. Hope yours was good.
And how could I forget our lovely CBC.
And another thing I did today-after discovering my shitty immune system had failed in repulsing an infection in a part of my leg I don't have much feeling in (and so didn't notice its presence until I looked with my eyes), went for antibiotics, and after speaking again to my doc, he gave me some additional pain meds, and best of all, I finally dropped the gabapentin (its used both as an anticonvulsant, and for the reason I use(d) it, or at least had it prescribed, didn't really bother with it much since it was ineffective, I reminded the GP of an old agreement we made, since he wanted to reduce the total number of med types I take, I got rid of the gabapentin (if I DO want any, I have literally a couple of years worth of boxes full of the stuff here, so its not like I could go without easily, if I actually got much benefit in the first place, which I don't. I dropped it, and also transdermal scopolamine patches, which I was using, ages ago for my stomach issues. And now he's going to honor the agreement we made, and essentially I'll trade the gabapentin for memantine, which I've been at him for for YEARS. Its got so many benefits/uses, and I've taken it before, both bought myself, although I can't afford it as a continual thing, and got gifted a gram by a fellow clandestine chemist. Its excellent for neuropathic pain [I had knee surgery that left me with some nerve damage-the area can hurt, but otherwise there is little feeling left there, it cannot feel anything not unpleasant anyway, and opiate painkillers are widely known to have little effect on neuropathic pain, save only when the dose is so high that pain relief is accomplished by rendering the patient unconscious], it fixes my memory issues to an excellent degree, it has antidepressive effects, helps with my executive issues big time, and also both stamps down on opiate tolerance that already exists with an iron-heeled jackboot, and lowers/slows development of further tolerance. Also in withdrawal from opioids, something I found out when once falsely arrested [never charged, just harassment, due their vendetta against me. Something else I'm now beginning action against the bastard porcine filth for] and they attempted to force answers out of me by forcing me into withdrawal from my pain meds, but had the previous day taken a large dose of memantine, which has a very long duration of action. The result was no withdrawal whatsoever and the filth failed miserably to coerce anything from me)
And it has non-opioid analgesic effects, quite strong ones, of its own. Which are strongly synergistic with opioid pain meds.
Got a consultation on wednesday coming with the doc about it. I've been near begging for the stuff for years, and now its looking like I will finally get it. Given the doc research papers to read and all sorts to justify my case, to no use with many docs, given that this will be an off-license use of the drug, its official prescribed use is for attempting to ameliorate the damage done by alzheimers disease, or at least improve the quality of life before the poor cunts turn into vegetation capable only of misery and of shitting themselves, I do not, of course have alzheimer's. But having taken memantine before as part of nootropic stacks I've already got the knowledge of exactly how it affects me at various dosages, and its the difference between night and day, as far as quality of life goes.
And IMO what is important, is not an official clinical indication (I.e dementia) but benefit vs cost, health-wise to the patient given any given med. Its the effect that matters, what the patient gains or loses, not a few words printed in the BNF as guidelines, that matter. And given the manyfold benefits in addition to serving as relief of the neuropathic pain, which currently I have essentially no remedy for, save only outright knocking myself out cold, and relief that actually DOES relieve, rather than merely pills to swallow with if anything, about as much efficacy as a children's dose of paracetamol would have for a leg pounded into meatpaste and bone fragments with a sledgehammer. The gabapentin, that is, I take it, or I don't take it, and quite honestly if the capsules were filled with baker's flour rather than the med, and presented to me unknowingly, I rather doubt I'd be able to tell the difference between the two without breaking one open and examining the contents.
Raxy my dear, I wish you a speedy silence and no more annoyances to host

And as far as elle goes, surely, simply wishing her a merry xmas cannot be taken ambiguously. It was a gesture of goodwill, with nothing expected to be given on he part. To improve the atmosphere, but most of all, to simply wish her xmas to have been a happy one. Nothing more to say about that. Just wishing her merry xmas, nothing more, nothing less. I should not have to defend my wishing someone a happy christmas. If I'd said 'I hope everybody BUT her had a happy xmas, then sure, that would have been a nasty dig at her, to deliberately emphasize exclusion from the well-wishes. But, there is nothing to read into it. Only 'merry christmas' No more, no less.
And as for walkie (I hope, given the trivial nature of the subject matter, its ok to reveal that part of the PM), walkie was the person I wished merry xmas included in a PM containing other subject matter. Although happy xmas twice over walkie m'dearie

) The rest of the PM will remain exactly that, private. But, I didn't leave her out, I'd already told her.
Jack, IQ, Al, anyone I'd left out, well I meant to include everyone, but a few people I held in highest regard I just wanted to wish an extra-happy xmas, like ren and 'raxy. Ren, Raxy, Walkie, CBC, the PR, their happiness is worth a lot to me, what more can I say. I included elle, simply because I wished her to know that she too, i wished well, and wished well for the sake of wishing her christmas to have been one that brought happiness. There are, are there not, worse crimes in the universe one could commit against a person, than to wish them a merry christmas? It was a token of respect, thats all.
There are of course, a lot of horrible things one may do to, or wish upon a person; but to wish their christmas to be joyful can scarcely be classed among them. Misery, pain, ill-health...but happiness at xmas and a good, enjoyable holiday? I've done an awful lot worse than that (not always intentionally mind you) in my life. And the day I wish somebody a merry christmas to death, I'll probably kick the bucket too, out of outright shock.
What would I do? strangle somebody to death with a santa-hat? giftwrap them in an airtight package? start a fatal brawl by insinuating one person called another's mother a bit of a ho-ho-ho? electrocute them with fairy lights and insert a christmas tree up their until I could pick their nose for them; from the INSIDE? pour nitric acid in santa's shot of rum and bake a rat-poison cookie? hang up stockings with pipebombs in them? Leave a claymore pointing sideways out of the chimney? make a snowman out of ammonium nitrate and nitromethane, with a bit of magnesium dust under the surface, and embedded with a few thousand ball bearings rigged to detonate when some part of its outer covering of snow melts and exposes the interior to air? intentionally cover the road nearby in black ice and cut the car's brake cables?
So far, at least, I've never dressed up as santa, started with an empty shoulder-bag and gradually filled it with giftwrapped human skulls.
Hm. Maybe now I know what to do for xmas next year. Although if anyone gets wind of a spree-killing performed with a stocking full of pool-balls, shrapnel-packed plastic explosive meticulously molded and then painted to look like elves, and a pile of decapitated bodies left in the city center, soaked in diesel and lit for an xmas decoration for al...part of...the city to enjoy (from a distance at least, until they realized quite what the xmas 'tree' is actually made of, of course)
So....who wants to be on my naughty list this year?
I should figure that nobody looks forward to a visit from satan claus, or for anybody to cum down their chimney (and for those without a chimney, through their letterboxfwhen next xmas time comes around?)