Author Topic: What have you done today? (Pt 2)  (Read 273351 times)

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8565 on: August 22, 2017, 07:53:05 PM »
Eww CBC. That kind of thing is a stomach-turning nightmare, and I physically couldn't eat such a conflagration of abomination. Literally, I couldn't put it near my face let alone in my mouth. LOOKING at it would make me feel actually, physically sick.

Currently, I'm eating a big double cheeseburger with extra cheese, washed down with 'bottle green' elderflower cordial, which is absolutely delicious.

A little while back, just about managed to signal to my old man that I needed his help to get my chlormethiazole for me and pretty much stick two caps in my mouth, after going into a seizure, of the atonic kind, where I almost completely lost all control of voluntary muscle movement, save for breathing, which is reflex assisted of course, and swalliowing. Couldn't fucking move at all. The chlormethiazole was just inches away yet I could not move a  muscle, aside from kind of loading it up, like coiling a spring to make a weak strike and grab fo something. Just had to do that twice nowm  well a bloody lot of times, eventually succeeding, twice. The atonic seizures are scary, your aware of everything, just completely unable to DO anything, muscles go limp and all they do is twitch a bit.

Took about 2 hours to grab for the chlormethiazole each time and the second time, got the fucker, and somehow manage to, although spilling one       pn the floor I had to pick up later after the two more taken,

Finished downloading jagged alliance 2, a truly excellent squad/turn based game where one controls a freedom fighter group of mercenaries, Got myself and a team of 4 atm, although since I've established no income, yet, I've had to  sneak about with my team, hiding in the trees and making night ambushes, sneaking up, slitting throats, shooting enemy soldiers in the head at close range with hollowpoint .44 and .357 rounds, although frustratingly, no proper long range weapons, just .36 special revolvers, a throwing knife, 1 stun grenade being kept for an emergency. Its a pretty expansive game, can do things like flank enemy solidiers by vaulting over garden fences, crawling round, with someone drawing fire by popping out, squeezing off a shot of the least valuable ammunition, or even throwing stones before the rest of the team sneaks up behinds them and wipes them out. Or getting inside a building, closing the door and killing the next thing to open it. Can climb up buildings too onto the roof for sniper positions. Which will be perfect as soon as I can afford a merc who isn't bargain-basement, somebody         with a rifle and excellent marksmanship. I've got just the one in mind too, but atm hiring him for just 2 days, would bankrupt me totally, leaving me with just myself and one other mercenary who joined out of, well, idealism. The guy I'm after is a russki covered in camo from head to foot, an assault rifle so could actually take some proper sniper shots rather than sneaking around, or luring the enemy in close (where the team I do have is deadly enough, my 'personal' character packing a 9mm automatic berretta, stun grenade, desert eagle pistol loaded with hollowpoint ammunition, and a pair of .36 cal specials, one loaded with regular rounds the other with HP shells. ATM its all about finding any weapons and armor possible, and    sneaking around, once in close those heavy caliber hollowpoint rounds backed up by the 9mm automatic pistol will make mincemeat of the enemy in the hands of a good marksman,

Played it before, difficult game, but FINALLY found a free, working, malware-less pirate copy and got it working on linux :D                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8566 on: August 22, 2017, 09:56:50 PM »
Sitting at home after a long evening of work, listening to thunder and rain and seeing lightning flashes out the window.  It was pretty interesting driving home from work and seeing lightning flashes in all directions without a single rumble to hear.   8)  The rain didn't start until 20 minutes after I got home!   8)
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8567 on: August 22, 2017, 10:27:04 PM »
I love a good storm. We had hail earlier here. Don't know quite what exactly but there is something pleasing about the sound of hail pelting down. One of those sensory weirdnesses. I quite like going out in it, go out in the garden, smoke a cigar, if its really heavy, all I have to do is wear my blast shield without the gas mask and it sounds even better, bouncing off the metal-reinforced plexiglass, and of course none gets in my face that way. Kind of a sneaky way to turn the 'gain' knob up on nature :autism:
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8568 on: August 23, 2017, 12:00:58 AM »
We had hail the the other day. Not a fan, me.
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8569 on: August 23, 2017, 08:08:50 AM »
Wired is normally always just a little bit faster but wireless is way more convenient.

If the cable box is just a standard modem, I'd get a router and just network everything. Some of the newer ones they ship out from Verizon are routers. 

In the last house I had the cable modem hooked into to a router upstairs...and a repeater downstairs to up the signal strength for online game playing, laptop surfing, tv streaming etc.

Turns out the coaxial jack in the dining room used to be an electrical jack, and someone just stuffed the coax cable through it and put on a new faceplate without removing the electrical stuff. So the tech refused to use it and put a blank faceplate on. Instead he hooked me up directly into the bedroom where the computer is.

Router + repeater sounds like a good option though... I'm not really sure how to set one up but might be able to figure it out if the need came up for another computer.
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8570 on: August 23, 2017, 09:36:32 AM »
The same thing I will be doing for the next 3 or 4 days.  Waiting to find out where the tropical depression (predicted to be Hurricane Harvey, Category 1- the mildest) will hit in Texas.  The weather prodigies are predicting 5 to 20 inches of rain for Texas, 20 if it stalls out.  Southwestern Lousisana is included in the keep alert area and New Orleans may be included depending on where he has landfall, how far out the rain bands extend and it's track once it hits land.  There's a front coming down and it may stall Harvey to our wetriment (sic).
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8571 on: August 23, 2017, 09:51:50 AM »
Well that just makes you a freak then odeon. Fucking weirdo :autism:

As for me, just come back home after quite a decently lengthy and at best pretty demanding hike (narrow, thorn infested, in places a complete mire passable by performing something akin to tightrope-walking, only on a narrow, steep area at either edge a few inch wide.

Had a bad time at first, as I've a bad leg atm (not just the usual trouble, done something to it somehow and it hurts like hell, difficult to lift from a sitting position, although I managed to get in/out of the car alright by sitting down backwards and levering myself round, picking up my hurt leg with one arm.)

Was definitely very, very glad indeed that I had the foresight to pack along a preloaded IM shot of 150-180mg morphine, and a few caps of oxy, although I only needed I think, three over the time I was out. Me and the old man went to one of his fishing spots, not to fish, this time, but so I could act on the tip-off he gave me that the area was an absolute motherload for wild mushrooms. Every color, size, shape and weird quirk you could imagine, from tiny to large sized bright violet (same species, Laccaria amathystea, the amathyst deceiver, edible, but I've tried them once and I'd re-word that if I wrote the guide to 'won't poison people that eat it', Edible, isn't a word I'd use, tried them last year, some well-developed, fresh, relatively young ones so it wasn't that they had gone off, but fried them up along with a plateful of other, tastier things, like porcini (cep, Boletus edulis, the one they harvest for canned mushroom soups since those preserve their excellent flavour after pretty much anything you care to throw at it in terms of cooking techniques, boiling, steaming, roasting, pressure cooking, drying etc.) but the deceiver portion of the meal was, after one bite, a second of another mushroom to see if it was a specific fault of the fruitbody itself, or inherent to its kind. It was the latter. Awful. To the extent its got the dubious accolade of being one of the top handfull of the absolute foulest, vilest and most stomach-turning wild fungi of any kind I've ever cut up, thrown in a pan and stuck on a plate and down my neck. Or would be if it GOT that far.

Didn't get so far as actually swallowing the grotty little bastard. Spat that out into the bin straight away. Ew. Can't really describe WHY it was so nasty, it was just..well..nasty.

Today found more of those (they do look really nice, and harbor no poison within, but nobody in their right mind would ever eat one twice, if there is an alternative means of avoiding starvation. Looks-wise often a big fat bulbous base to a very thin tapering stem, and a bright, lurid shade of violet throughout every part bar the spore print (white, IIRC)

Plenty bright red Russula species, and attractive R.atropurpurea, at least probably that species, dark vivid purple (brittlegills, related to the milk-caps, Lactarius spp. but unlike them the Russulas don't bleed when cut or broken) plus some potentially enticing looking Lactarius that may well be edible. Some of a cup fungus, tentatively ID'ed in the field as orange peel fungus, which look exactly like just that, bright orange  on one side, white and slightly fuzzy outside. Meant to be decent eating but I've never had any before. So assuming this is indeed Aleuria aurantiaca, then that at least will go into a pan and get a quick sizzle in some butter.

Some odd kind of polypore. Thought at first it might be beefsteak fungus, but toughter, and with a white hymenium (sporulating surface), and extremely fine pore diameter. Had to fish that one out more or less on my belly out the clay pit, growing on a branch, by squirming under the fence partially to grab the far end of the branch and reel it in like a fish on a fisherman's hook. (so we did kind of go fishing afterall:P)

And Boletes, boletes EVERYfuckingwhere. Some of them, really quite massive things, still got to do the ID on them since one of the options is edible, the other can mean bloody diarrhea, severe stomach/GI tract pains, vomiting and plenty other nasty little things that generally go alongside such poisonous irritant type fungi. Bright yellow pores, quite fine, big stems, big doesn't really convey it though very well, since they are squat, thick (4-6 inches maybe more) and caps in the case of the biggest of the speciens, about the size of a dinnerplate on its own and a few inch thick. Almost turnip-like in the young ones (but it isn't the devil's bolete, since the pores rapidly become red even in immature specimens, lacked both the reddish reticulate meshwork pattern on the stem and the abominable stench best described as something once living, that crawled into a pit of hospital offal, and then stopped living, turning into a shrivelled, slobbering vaguely once-mammalian skeletal cast wrapped in organic slime, wriggling with really, really desparate maggots with nowhere else to turn, in a pool of stagnant..liquid of some description, mixed with a cut of steak that got forgotten about for long enough in the freezer to turn just the same [I've found this exceedingly rare species a couple of times in my life, maybe 3, 4 if you count a reccurence in the same place one year after the first sighting there, and the smell is indeed so dreadful you cannot keep one out in the open, even a small one, and comfortably/tolerably remain in the same room, after its had sufficient time for the stink to diffuse over to where the nose of the room's occupant might be]

Whatever these are, biggest one probably weighs a pound or two or perhaps more, with an almost thuggish, hulking kind of squat look to it. Although at the same time, attractive to look at, pale caps, yellow stems IIRC. Had to jump a small, but stagnant and nasty, squelchy looking little river-let to get to them.  And back again.

Found some milk-caps worthy of identification, may be worth eating, possibly one of the deadly webcaps (Cortinarius spp. some of which pack a slow-acting nephrotoxin [kidney-destroying poison] that may take as long as a month after ingestion, after which time, the damage is long ago done and your either fucked, or you survive if you've eaten only a very little, with poor kidney function or else end up either on dialysis or/and awaiting your turn on the transplant list. Contain something called orellanine, in a handful of the species, fluorescent under certain UV wavelengths, (orellanine that is) and structurally, somewhat related to the very unpleasant, now afaik banned herbicide, paraquat and diquat.   Definitely not ones for the table, quite definitely in the family and they have 'that look' to them (wouldn't mean much to somebody unfamiliar with the family and in particular the nastier members of it) But reddish-brown rusty gills, even when young, white cortina (a veil, in the very young specimens-getting both young and old is essential for IDing Corts, and altough a few Cortinarius spp. are edible, most remain unknown as to edibility, and in one subgenus (there are about 10-14 or so sub-genera within this large and very diverse family) at least, there lurk a handful of truly deadly poisonous ones, some of the most poisonous mushrooms around, so definitely going to be IDing those, but they are going neither anywhere near a cooking pot, or to be allowed in the bag with anything possibly destined for one.

Bagged a solitary, lone blusher (Amanita rubescens, poisonous raw, must be boiled at least twice in two fresh changes of water before thorough cooking, or it causes a kind of haemolytic anaemia, potentially leading to kidney damage if the haemolysis be severe due to toxic waste products from the broken down red blood cells. Not sure if I'll eat that one or not. Never had it before. Called blushers, because unlike their poisonous relative, the panthercap, which does not, the blusher has a ruddy tinge to it, and reddens when cut, distinguishes them from the panther cap, Amanita pantherina which contains similar intoxicant/neurotoxin mixtures as the fly agaric along with a pair of other trace-level toxins, present in tiny quantities, but unfortunately, also gobsmackingly potent, active in the low femtomolar concentrations!)

Grabbed some brown Birch Lecceinum. Saw plenty of other things that I didn't take, some presumed Heboloma (possibly 'poison pie') something that might well have been edible but I didn't want to chance the ID, growing in big luxuriant clumps, similar to some species of oyster fungi, although these were not they (sadly, since wild oyster mushrooms are great, surpassing those bought from a shop in flavour with no effort at all. )

Things like sulfur tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare, once thought merely bitter, inedible and unpleasant but now known to contain the same amatoxins as the fungi that cause the highest worldwide mortality rate in terms of mushroom poisonings, along with a slew of their own nasty little customers, the fasciculols, going up from A to at least F or G, more IIRC. Not one for the pot, looks alright, sometimes, bright sulfur yellow but with a hint or lurid dark green to the gills especially, and more so than usually when older.

And delightfully, found a few, just a few, grass-heads infected with Claviceps purpurea (rye ergot) with sclerotia poking out. Thats something like the third or fourth site I've found them at, over two or three years, so I've just added to my library of Claviceps genetic material, which is important for all the crossbreeding and splicing experiments I've got planned, I need as much genetic diversity, as many races and strains as I can to start out with for the mutagen program I've in mind to get me the productive strains I so desire. The species, indeed the entire genus is very, very genetically complex and mutates readily. Especially C.purpurea, that one is the least fussy of the entire family. Although not impossible it might be due to species that differ solely at the genetic level.

Still, the more the merrier, although the harder I'll have to work, the more thousands of agar plates/slants I'll have to culture, test, subculture, retest, expose to mutagens etc, and eventually once I come to understand it at a deep practical level, try genetic tinkering with techniques like CRISPR/Cas9 or retroviral vectors with various target genes amplified, knocked down, knocked out etc. In particular there are three main things I want to nail down-editing out scenecence, ascospore-productive heterokaryotic alkaloid producers, and proper stability of the cultures. That, and technologically-wise, proper methods of maintaining the cultures in an inert, living state, for longterm preservation, be it in liquid nitrogen/osmotic protection etc. or lyophilization. Just something that minimizes the rather sensitive little buggers exposure to stress, since that is a major knock on the head when it comes to the cultures coughing up lysergic acid peptide alkaloids for the growers and wouldbe growers. The less they get generally knocked about, mistreated, the more coddled they are physically the better. Although for that, polymerized calcium alginate matrix micronized (ideally, at worst, hoping for a mm or two) loaded with oxygen-transporting perfluorocarbon emulsion, as O2 is critical to formation of the lysergic acid derivatives, and with larger, easier to form polymer beads there ends up, without the assistance of various technological tricks like the perfluorocarbon emulsion, addition of surfectants to increase cellular permeability, essentially an anoxic dead-zone where little grows and what does produces only less valuable products suited only as feedstock for spiking cultures.                     

Hope you and her royal PR-ness end up alright and don't have either to suck up any filthy weather, or any possibility of her taking fright (@QV)
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8572 on: August 23, 2017, 01:07:06 PM »
Thanks Lestat.  I've been through several brushes with hurricanes and their spawn (tornadoes).  We have flashlights and batteries.  I really should see if I can find a transistor radio because they didn't use much battery power.  The house was brought up to code after the fire and that included some hurricane proofing measures (window strength, roof firmly anchored to the walls).  And the house is brick.  No candles for obvious reasons.
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8573 on: August 23, 2017, 01:48:51 PM »
Well that just makes you a freak then odeon. Fucking weirdo :autism:

You've no idea. :zoinks:
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8574 on: August 23, 2017, 02:11:53 PM »
For absolute emergency, as a backup for such a radio, a cat's whisker might be useful, for sending out an SOS in morse (plus a table of morse code signals, the SOS signal for emergencies is simple, three short bursts, three long, three short, no spaces in between the letters, sent repeatedly as a rapid sequence ...---...

A cat's whisker will need a long antenna though, or amplifier and antenna at least. But should be less susceptible to the electromagnetic pulse from a lightening bolt than transistor semiconductor junctions if the bolt should hit nearby, since the vast energy discharge entailed in a bolt of lightening generates a fair sized although relatively local, area-of-effect EMP.  And the cat's whisker is pretty simple to build, plenty of people still DIY them, although the range is limited without boosting.
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8575 on: August 23, 2017, 04:55:00 PM »
Instead he hooked me up directly into the bedroom where the computer is.
That's awesome.

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8576 on: August 23, 2017, 11:11:47 PM »
Began clearing out the first section of an enemy soldier-infested, boobytrap-ridden, land-mine filled shithole of a town in my jagged alliance 2 game, done it with no casualties, and nobody hurt worse than a scratch or two, despite a close call with a booby-trapped smoke grenade and a pair of boobytrapped hand grenades, that are going to require me to hire an explosives expert for if I wish to recover them ever. Still, did disarm something like an antitank mine that could be used to wreak havoc on an incoming enemy squad, bag some explosive charges, chemical break-lights, a couple of smoke and hand grenades, and a stun grenade. Finally managed to find an enemy soldier with a combat shotgun and...ahem....quietly and quickly relieve him of its possession (and of the contents of his skull), grabbed a second MP5SK submachinegun plus some bodyarmor and more medical supplies, after taking that section of the city and then marching on to the hospital nearby, where it looks like there might be a sniper rifle up for grabs, at least, if its current owner can be 'persuaded to redistribute it', preferably with a minimum of ammunition ependiture. Got a candidate in mind for it too who, aside from being a fully camo-covered stealth trooper, currently carrying an MP5SK and some sort of handgun, a .357 IIRC, would be perfect with a long range, accurate rifle with high stopping power for those single-shot efficient kills, and in this guy's case, given how hard he is to spot, and how quietly he moves, is likely to be doing quite a lot of those, suddenly and from very close range at times, although the 9mm submachinegun or .357 hollowpoints are less precious than long-range capable, high stopping power AP rounds.
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8577 on: August 24, 2017, 05:59:02 AM »
Got up late (sleep ins, yeah), went a got a hair wash and cut, went shopping with Kayleigh, came home and put the shopping away, then dinner, now here.
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8578 on: August 24, 2017, 11:11:57 AM »
Returned the keys to the temporary housing. There's no turning back now.
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8579 on: August 24, 2017, 11:20:27 AM »
Returned the keys to the temporary housing. There's no turning back now.
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