Author Topic: What have you done today? (Pt 2)  (Read 273909 times)

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8535 on: August 14, 2017, 03:58:55 AM »
As yet, got my med refill, and I have a bisulfite adduct of a ketone to wash with various solvents to clean out non-ketonic  impurities, since currently I'm unable  to vacuum-distill the ketone as I'd prefer to do since my vac pump is buggered and I need a replacement, although I do have a water aspirator venturi pump that just needs to be hooked up to the garden hosek and perhaps, if I take it up to maybe a little below 150 'C I MIGHT be able to distill the ketone after liberating it from the purified bisulfite adduct but I'll have to wait a while, because the muscle relaxers I take have made my blood pressure bottom out to the point that my ears are ringing and I am having to lie flat on the sofa, if I get up, my vision clouds over, can't see and if I try to stand up I collapse. so obviously I cannot set up and keep watch on a vacuum distillation of a very valuable compound indeed whilst I cannot even stand up straight.

I can make more if needed but nevertheless, there's 1/4 of a mole of something that did take a fair bit of  my time and effort to prepare, and which is inherently very valuable (a little bit more actually, about 35g-36g so losses must be kept to an absolute minimum) (although I'm contemplating a route that avoids the ketonic intemediate to what I am after, and rather, starts with an conjugated alpha-beta-nitroalkene, followed by reduction of the double bond using sodium borohydride to give the nitroalkane, treatmentof this with cauustic alkali to give a nitronate salt (which must be kept in solution  because otherwise many nitronates, although more so with smaller ones, like that of nitromethane, nitroethane etc.. are very shock and friction sensitive, so the plan is preferably to find a way to do the reaction in either a 1-pot several step rxn or prepare the nitronate and reduce thhis to the N-hydroxylamine using the complex formed from borane and THF which can apparently be done in-situ by oxidizing borohydride with iodine in THF avoiding ever having to be anywhere near borane gas, which is pretty lethal stuff, and is said to smell foul. That I can believem having encountered what I believe to have been pentaborane before, which stank of rotting dairy produce, sour, rancid, like bad milk, really, really bad milk, although I didn't hang round to take a sniff because like the other boron hydrides, pentaborane is damn toxic stuff. That and the boranes have a habit of bursting into flames on contact with air (although considering their extreme toxicity that isn't so much of a bad thing).

And for the purposee the ketone in question is meant for, reductive amination stopping at the N-hydroxylamine is for all intents and purposes pretty much identical, if distinguishable at all in-vivo from the more typical primary amine.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8536 on: August 14, 2017, 01:28:44 PM »
Worked. Fed the family. Walked the dog. Bought stuff on eBay.
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Offline Phoenix

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8537 on: August 14, 2017, 01:45:40 PM »
Cooked. Fed. Watered. Constructed. Drove. Shopped. Relaxed. Read. Phoned. Emailed.
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8538 on: August 14, 2017, 04:22:19 PM »
Started the cleaning of our daughters room while she is away on business.......she is quite the slob to say the least!  And yes, she knows!   :P
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Offline Pyraxis

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8539 on: August 14, 2017, 07:24:13 PM »
Not much. Feeling sick, just resting and getting some extra sleep.
That rest will be good for you, friend :hug:

Today was more errands, more fence building, about to BBQ dinner.

Found out why I was sick, it's smoke blowing in from forest fires. There was an air quality warning. I still have the headache today.  :zombiefuck:
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Offline Phoenix

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8540 on: August 14, 2017, 07:26:16 PM »
Not much. Feeling sick, just resting and getting some extra sleep.
That rest will be good for you, friend :hug:

Today was more errands, more fence building, about to BBQ dinner.

Found out why I was sick, it's smoke blowing in from forest fires. There was an air quality warning. I still have the headache today.  :zombiefuck:
Ooooh....right. I didn't realize what part of the province you were moving into. Yikes. It's quite a beast that wildfire.
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8541 on: August 14, 2017, 07:32:21 PM »
worked all day. just got through watching Game of Thrones

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8542 on: August 14, 2017, 07:48:46 PM »
Not much. Feeling sick, just resting and getting some extra sleep.
That rest will be good for you, friend :hug:

Today was more errands, more fence building, about to BBQ dinner.

Found out why I was sick, it's smoke blowing in from forest fires. There was an air quality warning. I still have the headache today.  :zombiefuck:

I remember a few years ago some major forest fires in Quebec and the smoke filtered down into central Maine with a pronounced smell and dimming of the sun in our area.
"Some books are to be tasted.  Others to be swallowed.  And some few to be chewed and digested."  --Sir Francis Bacon

"Civilization exists by geologic consent.  Subject to change without notice."  --Will Durant

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8543 on: August 14, 2017, 09:20:30 PM »
Now I know what that smell means. I'm a little slow on the uptake.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Lestat

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8544 on: August 15, 2017, 12:28:54 AM »
Taken some of my most important meds, plus a squirt of locally acting nasal decongestant spray (xylometazoline, I prefer it to other, systemic ones since it doesn't make me jittery and overloaded and generally shite feeling) just the oxy, chlormethiazole, a little hint, just a wee tiny bit of morphine to back it up, and the decongestant.

About to go tackle the mission I'm currently fighting in my X-com enemy unknown/UFO defense (the one from the early '90s) and give the enemy some payback for destroying my tank with just a single shot from one of their snipers, carrying a heavy plasma cannon (which needless to say, faced immediate retaliation of the most dramatic and severe kind, namely a white phosphorus rocket launched into the building the little sod was camping in, followed by a large, high explosive warhead-tipped one from the second squad rocket launcher-carrying heavy weapons assault trooper and levelling the entire building to the ground with HE autocannon fire, phosphorus incendiary autocannon fire and heavy cannon fire (the heavy cannons are man portable, but only just, dirty great big things, that are similar to the autocannon but lack automatic fire capability, but like the heavy autocannon can take 3 different types of munitions-armor piercing heavy caliber, high-velocity solid bolts, high explosive shells or phosphorus incendiary shells. There ended up being nothing whatsoever left of that building but smoke and flames, along with a high-pitched scream a bunch of plasma bolts and laser weapons firing 3-round bursts repeatedly in the direction of that pesky sniper, followed by a grenade; Result-no more building, alien sniper's corpse vaporized and only its plasma cannon and a spare magazine left of both alien and building both. Both of which were recovered for the use of my own squad's heavy weapons troops, since those heavy plasma weapons are bad news to face up against, a shot will easily level a tank, and even a soldier with the very best armor available through research is likely to be killed by a single shot, or if not killed, knocked unconscious and left on the brink of death, critically wounded and needing a medic and evacuation as a priority to come over, patch the poor sod up so they aren't bleeding out anymore, and pump them full of stimulants and painkillers, with them perhaps throwing a last grenade on the way out as a parting shot, or dropping useful equipment for the rest of the squad before being put back in the troop transport.

After finishing these little sods off, I think I'll go clean up that bisulfite adduct I have needing attention.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline renaeden

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8545 on: August 15, 2017, 03:04:59 AM »
Went to college and when I got off the bus there I got rained on. Went to class and wrote about Software Development Life Cycles. Got kicked out of class at 12pm by business students. They were going to be there for an hour and I didn't know what I could do hanging around for an hour so I came home. Kayleigh treated me to some garlic bread and a chocolate milkshake so I have enjoyed that and now I'm here. I still have yet to finish the writing I was doing at college.
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Offline Lestat

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8546 on: August 15, 2017, 05:37:04 AM »
Mmmm, bought some milkshakes today. Some smaller bottles (one serving) of mars bar milkshake (I prefer the snickers bar flavoured version though those are nutty-tasting and really damn moreish) and several big cartons of rhubarb and custard flavour milkshake.

That'll go just nice to wash down the 4-5 family size trays of tiramisu that I bought.

Got an appt. with the eye hospital to go to soon, and when I get back, I'll get to sorting out that bisulfite adduct.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Phoenix

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8547 on: August 15, 2017, 09:15:21 AM »
Picked up SO from work and took him to an appt. Ran errands while he was there. Currently cooking our favourite meal for lunch.
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8548 on: August 15, 2017, 11:36:59 AM »
Made a bouillon/broth this afternoon. Made it out of veggies, herbs and beef. Also did a laundry of clothes and most of it is now in the dryer. Jeans and shirt hang outside to dry. Dryer makes a mess when I put those in the machine.

Went to the supermarket and bought some beer, toilet paper, etc., etc.. Didn't fancy cooking so I got me four croquettes at a nearby snackbar. Ate two of them on toast for dinner. With some rocket lettuce and mustard. The other two are going to be eaten as an evening snack later on.

Am now watching TV.. 'Wild Mexico' on Canvas (Flemish TV channel).
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Offline Phoenix

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8549 on: August 16, 2017, 02:50:03 PM »
A series of appointments today. More laundry and general cleaning.
“To rise, first you must burn.”
― Hiba Fatima Ahmad