Phone call. Next step is a personal visit tomorrow. Maybe I can embarrass some clients in the waiting room about this firm not returning calls.
I love it. Give 'em hell, Your Majesty! 
I know someone who got sacked in an unfair way. Legal shit, he was in the right, boss totally not, but sacked none the less. Boss did have to pay him a fair amount of money.
So, last day at work he asks how and when to hand in stuff. And he gets told it needs to be done right away. (not usual here)
He asks if she really means it, in the middle of the shop, with quite a few clients in the shop. She says "yes, right now". He says "OK" and starts undressing himself in the busy shop. Folded the clothes and left them at the till. Leaving the place in his underpants. Once he was out of the door in the parkingplace he started roaring with laughter.