Repaired a gas generator. Threw a flaming hairdrier, did a rather nice looking job on a recrystallization of one of my projects that I am rather proud of, even if I do say so myself; I am pleased with myself for a job well done after spending perhaps three days and nights on it, meticulously extracting into various solvents, washing with H2O, saturated brine, saturated sodium carbonate, recrystallizing from alcohol and from dichloromethane, taking my project from a dingy grey-claret sludge to fine yellow vitreous flaky crystals of almost completely uniform color throughout the lot.
Next thing to do is to do a quick analysis using paper chromatography and developing with iodine vapor.
(it is supposed to be yellow, that doesn't indicate something is wrong, I just want to see how a chromatogram runs in something like ethanol/ethyl acetate/acetone/ether mixture. And one using pentane/CH2Cl2 or perhaps chloroform/pentane. I'd sooner use the methylene chloride though since I'd have to make the chloroform, since I've run out, distill it etc. to a truly meticulous level of purity for use as an chromatographic eluant solvent. Not quite decided what to do yet. Think I'll run a highly polar solvent system first then go to inspect the nonpolar fractions and make certain comparisons with certain other things.
I've...also had breakfast (rice krispies, in a bowl of mixed snickers bar and mars bar caramel milkshakes..was absolutely delish, those milkshakes, especially the snickers bar ones work perfectly for jazzing up rice krispies cereal.)
Also been eating these blue bubblegum sour belts, and bubblegum ovoid thingies. Not sure what they are meant to be, but its bubblegum, its candy, its blue and they taste really damn good so I'm quite satisfied with them just being sour blue ovoid thingies
Going to go for a rollup then get the face shield and elbow-length gloves back on, and get back stuck in to my o-chem analyses.
No rest for the wicked, if its any longer a period of rest than it takes for a tailor-made to burn down (or a hairdrier, as the case may be
