
Author Topic: What have you done today? (Pt 2)  (Read 276405 times)

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8010 on: December 31, 2016, 03:30:57 AM »
Daughter has a little friend staying over the next couple of night including New Years tonight. I have been tidying my arse off and shopping up big. They have been swimming, giggling in their room and eating snacks a two servings of a pretty decent home cooked meal.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Fun With Matches

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8011 on: December 31, 2016, 11:30:25 AM »
^When did you go to Sweden?

Not done yet but going to: sort out the books in the new shelves, tidy up the dining area (which is where the shelves are) by putting some of Kayleigh's junk on the lounge room shelves (which are also new). Also tidy up the lounge room as there's boxes and crap everywhere.

I went a few years ago, I can't actually remember the year. I went to see an aspie friend there, she turned out to be a bitch. She kept trying to find things to argue about with me and I ended up walking out the next day cos I didn't want to argue and was like, "Fine, I'm to blame...change the subject?" Then she would keep picking at me.

As for the visit to Gothenburg itself, strangely, I found a lot of people ignoring me. If I asked for help with tickets or whatever, all the passengers except one ignored me. As if I didn't exist. In the train station it was the same. I've never experienced that anywhere. I've asked for help and directions plenty of times in my life, and in different places. Heck, London is friendlier. I wore a particularly short skirt that trip, but I don't see how that would have affected anything. It was quite odd.

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8012 on: December 31, 2016, 12:06:33 PM »
So far, laid in bed and enjoyed very much not having to get up for any deadlines. Made breakfast, ate it, and helped WolFish put on some turkey broth to stew.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8013 on: December 31, 2016, 01:47:05 PM »
Stopped at a waffle house in Virginia for breakfast

Waffle House has arrived with a vengeance.  There are now 4 within 5 minutes drive.  Now if Cracker Barrel would show up.

I would love to have one near me but the closest one is about a three hour drive

Didn't do much so far just went and got a coffee and put some things from the trip away
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

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George Bernard Shaw

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8014 on: December 31, 2016, 04:44:27 PM »
Went to Waffle House for a late b'fast.  Took The PR to a clinic (minor infection), grocery.
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My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8015 on: December 31, 2016, 08:08:38 PM »
Went to the workplace from hell today....incompetence from upper management made me and Amber and several others late to leave.  We had to bail out another worker who got crushed under a stupid decision from the the douchebags on top.  Even our store manager was pissed off big time!
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8016 on: December 31, 2016, 08:47:24 PM »
^When did you go to Sweden?

Not done yet but going to: sort out the books in the new shelves, tidy up the dining area (which is where the shelves are) by putting some of Kayleigh's junk on the lounge room shelves (which are also new). Also tidy up the lounge room as there's boxes and crap everywhere.

I went a few years ago, I can't actually remember the year. I went to see an aspie friend there, she turned out to be a bitch. She kept trying to find things to argue about with me and I ended up walking out the next day cos I didn't want to argue and was like, "Fine, I'm to blame...change the subject?" Then she would keep picking at me.

As for the visit to Gothenburg itself, strangely, I found a lot of people ignoring me. If I asked for help with tickets or whatever, all the passengers except one ignored me. As if I didn't exist. In the train station it was the same. I've never experienced that anywhere. I've asked for help and directions plenty of times in my life, and in different places. Heck, London is friendlier. I wore a particularly short skirt that trip, but I don't see how that would have affected anything. It was quite odd.

Gothenburg? I live outside Gothenburg. I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. Not everyone is like that.
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Offline Fun With Matches

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8017 on: December 31, 2016, 09:03:13 PM »
^ When I arrived I was sitting on the floor for two hours in the shopping centre, panicking because I'd just come from the airport and my friend had switched her phone off. She did a few things like that. There's much more, but I'd better stop talking about it I guess. It's too much stress to remember.

I just don't make friends with unreliable people anymore. The worst was that she blamed me for everything, I tried so hard, cos we were friends for 14 or so years.

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8018 on: December 31, 2016, 09:37:11 PM »
Wow, 14 years, that's a long time to just ditch you when you come to visit. Sucks it had to work out that way.  :(
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8019 on: December 31, 2016, 09:51:03 PM »
Thanks. Yeh, it really hurt me.

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8020 on: December 31, 2016, 10:11:20 PM »
How rude. I think seeing a friend after so long would be cause for celebration.
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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8021 on: January 07, 2017, 06:14:15 PM »
I detailed the inside of the car.  :hadron:

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8022 on: January 07, 2017, 06:37:06 PM »
Accepted the fact that my hair will never be perfectly straight for more than a few hours and I will always look like a crazy cat lady.
There are no atheists when the toilet water is rising.
:GA:  :trollskull: 

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8023 on: January 08, 2017, 05:30:59 AM »
  Woke up, made coffee, listened to this mellow masterpiece.  8)

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Offline Pyraxis

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Re: What have you done today? (Pt 2)
« Reply #8024 on: January 08, 2017, 10:58:11 AM »
Made plantain pancakes. Read internet drama.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.