Need a hand getting your top off Ren? I'd be happy and willing to help.
As for me...slept in a lot today, after spending a fair while tidying the lab. Getting rid of old projects now with their purposes past, or things I don't want or need any more that were just taking up space, whilst I overhaul the place and give it a major upgrade in respect of both equipment and consumable supplies (I.e solvents, reagents, catalysts and gas supplies)
Everything unwanted has gone, although some of it very grudgingly. Still, bollocks if I'm going to suffer damage from some jackbooted porcine filth. O don't like bullies and I CERTAINLY will not kneel and abase myself before them. For every fucking single scratch on something of mine, there will be 20-fold more new pieces of equipment bought, and ten times the quantity of any stolen chemical stock. Working on getting this harassment by those dirty god damned donut-scarfing whoresons. Anything they've broken, stolen, or otherwise fucked with, is just going to add to the bill they are going to be getting sent for damages.
I need to get myself an arc-welding setup, or else machine lots of separate parts with screw threads and matching tapped internal threads so I can make up a network of metal squares attached to each other, and bolt it to the wall, so I can attach as many clamps and boss heads for them as I need, and have them moveable in any way I desire, for holding glassware in place.
Was inspired by some pics of a private lab where a similarly purposed metal network had been installed. Not sure what they were doing in it, but it doesn't really matter, since thats the kind of innovation that could find a purpose in most any lab, since they pretty much all have need for securing the equipment in place.
Today though, the tidying done, aside from of course, lining everything up nicely (well really now, what did you expect from a spazz.

), at least the glass I can physically FIT in there (I have way more glassware and other equipment than there is space to put it in the lab itself, so a lot of it has to be stored in boxes and crates when not being used, I MIGHT, if everything already there was removed, be able to, if packed like sardines in a tin can, be able to contrive making a large slice of my equipment fit within the confines of my drawers and bench top, but if I did I couldn't do anything WITH it then, seeing as how I'd no longer have a bench surface to do things on

So for now, i've been reading articles of interest online, and filling my face with three bags of rowentree's fruit pastilles, one of midget gems, the leftover of a bag of coltsfoot rock, some aniseed balls and a big bag of the treacly seasonal bonfire toffee candy lollies I love that can be had around november. Bought a whole load of them and they last a fair while, so I've still got a good few left