QV-ever hear the one about the dwarf that ended up as a bloody splatter on a set of train tracks?
Someone threw off abridged him:autism:
As for me-picked up prescription refills, collected meds, took morning meds&some of the eye meds for my burnt eyeball, got paid, spent some of said pay on nosh and rolling backy+papers, then went round various pharmacies, DIY stores and a pet store, shopping for my lab.
Had a superb piece of good fortune, by way of being offered an electric air pump of what will be excellent quality, and from what I'm told of it, and the general size and appearance, is pretty powerful. Will be reliable and top quality, since its medical tech, that originally came from a hospital. Got it at the cost to the pet shop, just a fiver.
Reorganized some stuff in the lab, started tidying it up some where needed,
Here is the uber-cheap pump. About 4-5x lower in cost than the smallest, most dinky, weakest aquarium pump that place has to sell, and being that it started out as med tech, that sort of thing is both going to (have to) be of very good quality and reliable as flies seeking out a freshly beshatten mushy pile of squirty dog turd, and also, that kind of thing, hospital grade equipment is never cheap. And just when I was thinking I'd go and actually shell out for a good solid workhorse pump for building a recirculating semi-closed circuit coolant supply system for the likes of supplying my condensers with whatever coolant I happen to be sending through them at the time, keeping cold-fingers cold, helping lower the melting rate of ice baths and so on and so forth. ( By semi-closed circuit I mean, something with just enough of an opening to the atmosphere not to rupture or damage the pump, a small bleed valve to equalize pressure but an otherwise closed-circuit system)
And I'd quite possibly have bought a new one at full (or preferably second hand from ebay if good as new and with little usage, wear&tear) price today. Looks like I can't be on sata...erm...santa's TOO naughty list this xmas. Guess those few rounds of beer in the local bar bought him and the couple of E's slipped into the pocket of his red&white fur lined coat payed off

Shown here with a 200ml beaker and a kilo of NaOH either side to give a sense of scale.