Nothing much for me, since I had to work over nine hours today - that time of year has arrived.
... but I got a really good look at one of these 2016 Jaguars.
We have MANY District and Territory level bosses who visit our little store regularly, because we are an anomaly. Our little store has consistently earned monthly bonuses for all its employees for eight months running, now. So our little (really small for one of these types of stores) store in the middle of bumfuck, redneck nowhere being in the top ten nationwide is an anomaly, to say the least.
Anyway we get a lot of corporate visits to learn how to "play our game on down the line" and improve everyone's working experience. 
Usually these guys show up in a fairly tame rental car or if they are reasonably local, then some kind of "modest" sedan or mini-van of some sort, even though they make twice as much as our GM does. They generally have a "sort" of compassion for the average worker and do not flaunt their (undeserved?) wealth.
But there is this one guy, who, while everyone else at his level was driving conservative automobiles, maybe even the random SUV, THIS guy drove a fucking full sized Hummer. Fine.
Today he shows up in his brand spanking new Jaguar (Odeon, possibly you should put in for an update
). I got the tour as did many of us.
Here's a similar pic from the web:
I love the F-type, but it's a bit expensive.
Yes, quite out of my price range as well by a factor of about four or so. (almost have my Escalade paid off and still have a bit to go on "my son's car" - which he says he will never drive because it is too powerful for him - FUCK!)
MY main point was the arrogance and vanity of the asshole District guy who continually inflates his own ego to show off his (undeserved!) wealth (one can only imagine how damaged and deflated this guy's EGO must be to get pleasure from showing this equipment off to underlings) to the humble and hard working underclass folk, while he tools around in one of his pretentious toys, is a bit more than any of us simple folk should have to shoulder.
I almost want to park my son's car next to his so I can door ding it with WHITE!

But, Yeah! This new F-Type is pretty amazing.