Beginning all the same, mostly, but catering cats?
Sounds dangerous.

I am their catering service, provide food, and open doors that remain closed for them otherwise.
The only dangerous bit is that Sirius gets devious if I do not wake up fast enough to his liking.
My uncle once said, (something like) "I have never seen anyone as gentle with cats as you are!"
(have to understand that my old family influences were that if any cat strays from keeping rats out of the barn then you just shoot them or kick them so hard they do not ever stop ratting again. Rough treatment. I am not that way.)
I have always been really good with cats, even young "gone wild" ones. I have enticed into my household three "very wild alley cats" and I made them into spoiled and (maybe a little fat) loving pets.
We now have one cat and one dog in our suburban household.
At first it was a war zone, but after about two months, they sit near each other on the couch and respect each others food bowls.
Can not really ask for much more when introducing two fully grown enemies to each other. I am pleased and I think further progress will be forthcoming.
I love cats.
I love cats too.
And there have been several cats that were untouchable according to their owners that would come up to me, or my youngest daughter for a cuddle. Or for help.
Even last week, I was door to door fundraising for Amnesty International, in a street I had been a postie. And this cat came towards me while I was talking to his owner. So, I said hello to the critter and told him I had missed him. The owner said he would not let any stranger pet him. I told her he was the cat that used to run op to me for a cuddle almost daily, when I still did the mail. And then I stroked the cats back, to her amazement.
My own two cats came from the same house/feeding place. But Sirius was scared of people. Now he is the most cuddly cat imaginable. Spoiled, and too fat for his own good. Also because he still masters the art of sneaking in everywhere, unseen, stealing other pet's food.
There was one exception, Pipin, a cat without a home, and we utterly disliked one another at first sight. Then my flatmate took him in. He was friendly and normal to the other flatmates. But whenever he was not watched, he'd break into my room, and spray my belongings (at least once a day). So, he had to go. He had his personal vendetta against me, and my flatmate was not able to (rather not willing to do her best to) keep him out of my room.
I love cats, I like dogs.
I am wary of little yappy dogs with owners who refuse to realise their pets are proper dogs though. They make those dogs as unreliable as themselves. Sad thing for their dogs.