colored my hair
Ooh, what color?
Lorel Fiera Power Red, goes best with the dark dirty blond color I naturally have...I research color before I get it (must be the only gal that does it seems, I've asked others in the color isles if they did)
and also a good rule of thumb is to go with a color that naturally enhances your natural color not blond if you are a darker color and the other way it's easier and cheaper up keep...
Keep some Clorox wipes on hand (for the mess to wipe it right up) and two extra pairs of vinyl gloves (found mine at the dollar tree but they are cheep at the drug stores too) 
I use one of the NOT recommended colors.

Looked for years for something lighter, brighter...and started looking through a magazine one day and found an article with a woman with hair like mine, multi toned mutt hair (a deep chestnutty color with red/and some blond highlights)...they used the lightest color blonde they could find and the result was this reddish/brown/blonde that I loved and ended up with myself. My hair never dyes uniformly one color, some areas take, some don't...tis weird, but it looks more natural to me that way.
I will not even go into my experiment with the color red. Although I regret now that I didn't take pictures.