Interesting. It is a dopamine metabolic precursor, but this is rate-limited enzymatically.
Has she ever tried any of the various nootropics? I myself have to reccomend pramiracetam, perhaps the creme de la creme of the 'racetam family nootropics. Or perhaps aniracetam, a fat-soluble and longish lasting 'racetam with some AMPAkine properties.
Working on one of the proper dyed-in-the-wool AMPAkines myself although I have let that project lapse, I keep meaning to get round to it, in this case the drug DM-235/sunifiram, a pretty simple piperazine derivative. Starting from de-wormer (intended for humans in this case), which is simple piperazine phosphate plus a miniscule dose of senna, and a dye. Not sure if the senna will stay in there after solvent washing away the dye, but I'm not particularly fussed, as its something like 12mg/8g dose of piperazine and the compound I plan to test out is active in the microgram-low mg range, so any laxative making it through every step of the synthetic process into the end result would be totally insignificant and inert.
I've found pramiracetam, and to a less pronounced extent, aniracetam and the archetype of the series, piracetam to work really well in promoting memory and cognitive clarity, spatial awareness etc. Best taken with a choline supplement or headaches can occur, as these increase neuronal uptake of choline and boost acetylcholine synthesis (and IMO they pair up really well with a cholinesterase inhibitor too, although the latter can end up being toxic in excess) The racetams themselves however are pretty much devoid of any toxicity. I imagine with most of them, one would have to choke to death whilst swallowing the dose to actually do damage, with one exception, nefiracetam, which has been shown to cause testicular atrophy, damaging leydig cells, at least in dogs, although it has been used in humans. I don't fancy that one however.
These aren't stimulants of the conventional type, and bear zero resemblance to DARIs like cocaine, methyl/ethylphenidate and others, or to dopamine releasers such as amphetamine/methamp, nor even to the oddball eugeroic types, from what I read of those, modafinil, adrafinil and a couple of others, although I have never personally experienced any of these.
But damn, the pramiracetam I take sometimes really does sharpen me up mentally, without any physical bodyload at all.