Bugger, I can't find either of my 3 tourniquets. Oh well, managed to find a good vein site without using one. Sometimes its a nuisance when no vein wants to show its face, which is at its most likely when I'm cold, and everything wants to retreat down deeper, but right now its pretty damn warm here (too much so for me in fact), and I hit up without difficulty.
MMmmmmmmmhhhh...Aaaahhhh. That is some good stuff. Just what the doctor ordered (well, he ordered it for oral use, and lol, since I first got the morphine script I can only ever recall taking it that way for a single dose, MAYBE two; as morph is just so damn well much more efficient and more rewarding IV than per os, or rectally; and he would be PISSED if he knew I shot the stuff

Going to add another couple of 10mg pills into the shot left from what was first cooked up, to top it up before finishing it all off methinks, just to give the leftovers unextracted by the first rig full of water that bit of extra kick

Makes a lovely way to start any day, just after waking up, to energize and put a spring in one's step.