Doing the BBQ in would have been a lot more fun using explosive charges instead.
Never blown up a brick barbecue before. But plenty of other non-barbecue brick structures. It's fun.
Just sauntering on over with a big grin on one's face, planting the ready-built charges, or just sticking in a detonator and blasting cap if it's a plastic composition you're having your fun with, then lighting a pre-skinned doobie, taking a few draws, one last quick pull before putting the lit end to the tip of the fuse, followed by simultaneously taking off as fast as you can leg it and inverting the grip on the joint so it's cupped in one's hand to prevent wind shear pulling it to bits as both feet try to leave each other behind for good

Nothing quite so satisfying as being able to take a really big, long, satisfying toke just after leveling a derelict building
and leaving nothing but a heap of bricks and a lot of smoke and broken glass lying in a heap, situated in a large depression in the ground, still smoking and watching as the brick dust settles and you finish your joint, walking off