Woke up. Picked up a prescription, collected same, returned home, morning meds (or some of them, some I don't need atm), filled a hat with floral gums (tiny little hard-chewable gum candies with fruit flavouring, like midget gems, only rounded-conical and a tiny bit larger than a BB, to take in the room where this computer is located that I am using, to snack on, as well as a few bars of the 'walker's liquorice that, despite ordering three bars, for some reason, I got given a 2 kilo box of trays of bars. Its rock hard, and needs smashing with a hammer before eating, but its very nice indeed. Rather pleased about that windfall. I definitely ordered three bars. But did I get three? no I got 2 kilos of packs of bars instead. Not going to send them back with an angry complaint:P I just LOVE liquorice.